Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 29 Weeks

29 week Bump Date 🙌🏼 and we got to see Kyla this week with our ultrasound. It was a week early, since I had to go in for my Rhogam Injection. Any other Rh negative mamas out there? This was new for me since with my first it wasn’t necessary. Ky is currently 2 pounds 14 ounces and approximately the size of a butternut squash 😳. Crazy how fast she seems to be growing. She is still breech, but my doc isn’t concerned with her flipping until 35-37weeks. So we have some time, but maybe I’ll play with some yoga inversions between now and…

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Powered by Superfoods: Shakeology During Pregnancy… Is it Safe??

One of the most frequent questions I get about my pregnancy is how do you have so much energy and what do you eat? And when I share that ShakeO is one of my everyday staples the inevitable next question is… Is that safe to drink when pregnant??? First I will go on record like the good nurse that I am and say WE ALL HAVE TO MAKE THE BEST CHOICE FOR OURSELVES and ALWAYS Speak to your healthcare provider, and do your own research. Only you can decide what is best and FEELS best for your BODY. That being…

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Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 28 Weeks

28 WEEKS Ya’ll!! 🙌🏼We are officially in the #3rdtrimester  I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by! Baby Ky is over 2 pounds, approximately the size of a large eggplant and her hobbies include dancing around mama’s insides and kicking mama’s bladder  I’ve been diligent with working out Errrryday and food wise still craving a plethora of veggies and fruits, loving how healthy fats like Avocado and my Coconut oils (MCT and Brain Octane) in my daily superfoods shake are helping to fuel me and keep me energized. My lower back pain has dissipated and I am thrilled I still…

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And her name is…

Being that today is Mother’s Day…. Mac and I wanted to share a special kind of announcement  😊💞… We have a name for our baby girl and have been given the 👌🏼 from daddy-O to share 😊. . ✨ Kyla Emmalyn Hughes aka “Ky” ✨ Kyla means Victorious in Hebrew, but spelled a bit differently and translated to Hawaiian means Ocean . Emmalyn is a combo of her Great Grandmother’s Name, Emma, and my mom’s middle name Lynn and means Hardworking. . We had a long list of beautiful Girl’s names, but this one just “feels” right for our girl.…

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Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 27 Weeks

IT’S BUMP Day here and Yowza how things can change in ONE WEEK! 27weekspregnant and baby girl is 2 pounds of energy bouncing around in there. She’s about this size of a Soursop fruit, and before I lived here in Hawaii I had NO CLUE what that was. I’m having to change somethings up with my workouts and get back into more resistance training, which honestly I love. HIIT work as I approach trimester 3  was starting to become increasingly uncomfortable. I’m just so glad I have such a variety of workouts to choose from, so that there isn’t an excuse…

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