Trash Can Shower: Navigating Life with no running water

Never in my life did I think I would need to write a blog about how to build a TRASH CAN SHOWER & survive as a family of 5 (with a newborn) with NO Clean Running Water in the year 2022, & yet here we are. It’s currently mid-January 2022 & for the past 2 months I’ve been collecting fresh water up the street from a military supply truck (10 gallons per day allotment for a family of 5) & am having to wash dishes & clothes in buckets, & shower from a trash can!! How did this all happen…

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Hospital Bag Checklist & Must Haves

Hospital Delivery Checklist…

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3 TIPS that Saved & Strengthened Our Marriage

Did your marriage change drastically after having kids? Mike & I had Mac (our oldest) early on in our marriage. Fun Fact…my sweet hubby has impeccable timing. He’s been deployed every single time I’ve been pregnant! HA! He’s a fan of leaving me with a parting gift All joking aside, we went through the “growing pains” & joys all new parents have as they are learning to live life in their new roles as mom & dad. However, after having Ky (our second born) we had some MAJOR growing pains. At that point we had lived apart for better part…

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Having Covid While Pregnant

In my second trimester at 21 weeks pregnant I was diagnosed with Covid. In this blog I outline the care plan that I personally used to nurse myself back to health. I firmly believe being proactive in my recovery by using the care plan below was crucial. (I must also note that as my baseline I am a VERY healthy 38 year old woman with NO co-morbidities, who is EXTREMELY proactive about my health. I exercise daily, take supplements daily, eat incredibly clean, & have a low toxic load because of my lifestyle choices, all of which I believe allowed…

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Go To Morning Faves

Here’s a list of all my Go To kitchen gadgets & supplement favorites – Morning Edition View Post + Greens Boost (MORE “greens” flavored NO Sweetness): find it HERE + Greens (MORE palatable is sweetened with monk fruit): find it HERE use discount code: Jaclyn to save + ION Gut Biome (formerly Restore): find it HERE + Milk Frother: I use this as a greens mixer. Find it HERE + Counter Top Milk Steamer/Frother: I use this for my Coconut Milk: Find it HERE + CholorOxygen: find it HERE + Vitamix Starter Blender: find it HERE + Vitamix Professional Blender:…

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