Powered by Superfoods: Shakeology During Pregnancy… Is it Safe??

One of the most frequent questions I get about my pregnancy is how do you have so much energy and what do you eat? And when I share that ShakeO is one of my everyday staples the inevitable next question is… Is that safe to drink when pregnant???

First I will go on record like the good nurse that I am and say WE ALL HAVE TO MAKE THE BEST CHOICE FOR OURSELVES and ALWAYS Speak to your healthcare provider, and do your own research. Only you can decide what is best and FEELS best for your BODY.

That being said, it’s my personal belief as well as tried and true experience that this is one of THE BEST things I can do for my body and developing baby. And when I compare my two pregnancies I can tell you there has been a night and day difference in how I feel, my energy, endurance, sleep, and I DO think having my ShakeO daily this time around has helped immensely.

I actually started drinking ShakeO when I was breastfeeding Mac because I was lacking so much energy and even though I was eating clean, I just KNEW and could feel I wasn’t getting enough nutrient density. So…

The question I HAVE is….. are you questioning everything you put in your body with this level of discretion? And are you paying attention to how what you’re eating now is actually fueling you or hindering you? In my experience most mamas are NOT and SHOULD BE.  Most women use pregnancy to indulge in comfort food, sweets, fast food, and cravings. And I can assure you there is much more harm being done there.

My once daily dose of dense nutrition that I get with Shakeology provides me with 70+ Superfoods, high quality plant based protein, and also promotes gut health (which dictates your immunity) with pro and pre-biotics, adaptogens, phytonutrients, macronutrients, and more. It’s my multivitamin and I make modifications to mine to include a variety of healthy fats too. (Recipe down below) In my opinion and experience that is WORLDS better than what most have for breakfast each day.

And there is also always some question so let’s clear it up right away…. THIS IS NOT A FLIPPING PROTEIN SHAKE  you get off the shelf at your local store that’s used only for protein only or weight loss, and loaded with soy and artificial fillers & chemicals.

I have used those (before I learned and knew better) with NO benefit. And when I was pregnant with MacKenna (our first) I drank them because I had severe morning sickness & thought it was a good way to get protein. (but no nutrition)

Let’s just say I learned A LOT about what NOT TO DO with my 1st. When using those “others” I was still hungry, not satiated at all, and other than low quality protein it didn’t offer up ANY High Quality Nutrient Density which is exactly what you NEED when growing another human being.

Your body needs DENSE NUTRITION to have energy and no cravings, AND support the development and growth of another human being. I DO eat a clean, whole foods diet, with minimal processed foods, and believe in that as a way of life. Unfortunately even if you’re eating as clean as possible the likelihood that you’re getting what you need for optimal health is HIGHLY unlikely. That’s why providers want you on PRENATALS.

While we’re on the topic of prenatals… it brings me to the next question/concern. “They say you shouldn’t drink ShakeO or mix it with prenatal vitamins because you will overdose on Vitamin A.”

So here’s the deal… it would take drinking over 150 Shakeology shakes in a day to harm you or your baby and have too much Vitamin A, and more than 35,000 ShakeOs to reach “toxic” levels.

When discussed with a provider they reviewed the ingredients and agreed that the vitamin A in ShakeO is actually one of the highest quality vitamin A supps you can get because in our Vegan formulation it is PLANT DERIVED meaning that the Beta Caratene comes from REAL FOOD  (Think…Carrots 😉 ) MORE VIT A INFO CAN BE FOUND HERE

Vitamin A toxicities only occur with pre-formed (retinoid) vitamin A (from liver), the Carotenoid forms (beta-carotene found in plant based sources), give no such symptoms.

Also take into consideration that ShakeO is a nutritional supplement not a harsh cleansing system where that’s all you have in a day and you’re attempting to “cleanse” NOOOOO!!

I have ONE a day, and supercharge it with healthy fats. It keeps me fueled and feeling great for hours. Not to mention it’s freaking delicious and satiates my wicked sweet tooth, AND keeps my cravings in check, and in my first trimester when I could barely keep anything down, it was my saving grace and piece of mind to know that even if I wasn’t eating enough whole foods (thanks to nausea) I was getting a nutrient dense power punch for my growing baby at least once a day.

Okay and in the interest of  full disclosure here… I have also had prenatals on standby in the instance I didn’t get my ShakeO in on a particular day, but the bottle is still full and I am in month 7. 😉

I DO however supplement with additional B6 & 12 and Folic Acid (be sure you do your homework on the right type of Folic Acid for you) AND I add Collagen Powder, Udo’s Omega 3.6.9. with DHA oil, MCT oil, and Brain Octane Oil to my ShakeO daily to provide me and the baby essential fatty acids. More research on this can be found HERE.

I do know there are other expecting mamas that do half a scoop of their shakeology AND their prenatals so they can get folic acid in the first trimester, but I just opted to take a Folic Acid Supp on top of my full serving, and it’s worked well for me.

And although I touched on this above it’s worth mentioning again…. Shakeology is NOT just another one of “those protein shakes” Yes it’s priced higher and for very good reason. I’ve personally sat down with the man who literally hunts down the high quality ingredients used in ShakeO and know the high standards that are kept from growing to processing the result of ShakeO. If you want to see for yourself I suggest checking out THIS VIDEO or anyone of the ones I reference below.

This supplement was formulated without preservatives, artificial flavors, and designed it to support optimal health not be a weight loss supplement! No “ordinary” protein shake was put through the scrutiny and quality control that ShakeO undergoes. And I don’t know about you, but with as many things that work against us in our foods as well as environmental factors, I want THE BEST supplement possible for my body. Especially while pregnant and breastfeeding, which is why I NEVER miss a DAY!

In my first trimester I had HORRIBLE morning/all day sickness and mixing my Thin Mint ShakeO (recipe below) up daily was a saving grace. I’ve been gaining a healthy amount of weight, had energy, curbed my cravings, and felt 100x better with this pregnancy than my last.

Again I’ll go on record saying I AM NOT YOUR DOCTOR. I don’t know what you’re medical history is, what you’re allergic to, or if you have any “high risk” conditions, so BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE. I will say that although many doctors used to not know much about nutritional supplements preventative health is making it more mainstream for them to be in the know. Still you may need to discuss with your provider why you are considering it and be prepared with your own homework.

You should ALWAYS discuss starting supplements, nutrition plan, or new exercise routine while pregnant and LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and supplements. And since there is no guarantee of strength, purity, or safety of products, and effects may vary because everyone is different and if you have a medical condition or are taking other drugs, herbs, or supplements, you should speak with a qualified healthcare provider before starting anything new! I trust the source and process that creates Shakeology, and therefore feel confident in my choice, but you have to do the same for you.

I hope this helps shed some light on this topic for you as you make this important choice in how you will fuel your body during this special time. I’ve had no complications whatsoever, and my baby girl is healthy, strong, and developing right on schedule.

Regardless of what you choose, be sure you’re making healthy decisions while pregnant. Choose whole fresh foods over processed junk, avoiding C.R.A.P. (Carbonated Beverages, Refined Sugars, Artificial Colors & Flavors, and Processed Foods).

You can follow my pregnancy journey here on the blog and see more in detail what I’ve been eating and exercises that I consistently do 5-6 days a week, and if you have anymore questions, please feel free to email me at jaclynraefitness@gmail.com or CLICK HERE to send me a note.

MY GO TO DAILY Supercharged Pregnancy RECIPE:

Base Recipe

  • 1 Scoop Vegan Chocolate ShakeO
  • 1 Cup unsweetened Vanilla Coconut Milk (carrageenan free) 
  • 2 Cups filtered water
  • 3-5 Ice Cubes
  • 1 Scoop Collagen Powder (optional but great for joint health, hair, skin, nails, and is said to help prevent stretch marks 😉 ) 
  • 1 Tbsp Udo’s 3.6.9. DHA (on amazon or at some local health foods store like Whole Foods, needs to be kept refrigerated, is Vegan More INFO on benefits can be found HERE
  • 1 Tbsp MCT Oil (more on benefits of MCT oil HERE
  • 1 Tbsp Brain Ocatane 
  • Optional 1/2 Avocado (makes the vegan shakes more creamy, plus adds extra healthy fat) 
To Add Flavor & Variety try it… 
  • 1/2 teaspoon Peppermint Extract 
  • Blend and Enjoy
-OR- To make it a Cafe Mocha…
  • use 1/2 scoop vegan chocolate and 1/2 vegan cafe latte
  • Blend and Enjoy
-OR- To make it Chocolate Mayan
  • use vegan chocolate with dash of cinnamon and Cheyenne pepper 
  • Optional 1/4 cup dark frozen cherries
  • Blend and Enjoy 



Shakeology Ingredients & Benefits
Vegan Chocolate ShakeO Ingredients
Vegan Vanilla ShakeO Ingredients
Shakeology Ingredients Regular (Whey) Chocolate
