Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 28 Weeks

28 WEEKS Ya’ll!! 🙌🏼We are officially in the #3rdtrimester 

I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by! Baby Ky is over 2 pounds, approximately the size of a large eggplant and her hobbies include dancing around mama’s insides and kicking mama’s bladder 

I’ve been diligent with working out Errrryday and food wise still craving a plethora of veggies and fruits, loving how healthy fats like Avocado and my Coconut oils (MCT and Brain Octane) in my daily superfoods shake are helping to fuel me and keep me energized.

My lower back pain has dissipated and I am thrilled I still have NO swelling 🙌🏼. This is a HUGE difference from my first pregnancy because I had cankles with 

Mac (no joke) and had to wear compressions stockings.

Yet another testament to how taking better care of my Heath, being more active, and dialed into my nutrition has transformed my pregnancy experience. Literally Night and Day!

I’m modifying lots more in my workouts, but love that I’m still keeping active, feeing strong and energetic and craving healthy foods. I welcome any other expectant mamas out there to join me in my virtual wellness community if you need help getting started NOW.

I’m also putting together a blog on My Fit Pregnancy Must Haves, and although I have some clear front runner must have items, I wanted to know what other questions you might have for me that I can address in the blog???

Post them below! 😊


#28weekspregnant TOMORROW 🙌🏼 and I’ve got an AWESOME MOTHER’s Day Special to share!! I’ve kept active throughout this pregnancy even in my BRUTAL first trimester while I was so sick 🤢!! .

It actually helped A LOT. Don’t get me wrong it took some serious determination to stay committed but when I got my heart rate up and moved my body I felt worlds better. .

Once the second trimester came I got some relief and energy back and was able to resume more HIIT work, and now I feel my body calling for much more modifications. .

Luckily though as part of my workout arsenal and virtual gym I have over 400+ workouts to choose exactly what I need any given day or any given season in my life, so there are NO EXCUSES. .

I am coaching a select group of ladies. Whether you’re expecting, postpartum, no kiddos yet, or a house full of littles I GOT YOU!! I share ALL the workouts, meal planning tips/tools, recipes, mindset, support, and more and I have an INCREDIBLE Mother’s Day deal that will get you an ENTIRE YEAR in my group for less that what some gym memberships are for A MONTH!! .

Drop your favorite emoji below and I’ll get you the details, and we can set up our first of many chats! 😊😂🙌🏼💞
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Saturday, May 13, 2017

Stretch and Strength
This workout is EXACTLY what my body needed! 🙌🏼 Great combo of stretch and strength and done in 25 mins. .

We ALL have 25 mins in our day to invest in doing something good for ourselves. Yet most will occupy that time scrolling IG or FB or watching TV. #truth .

Why? Cause the reward you have linked in your mind to doing those “other” things isn’t as real as the long term continual pay off of what consistent workouts & eating well will do for your mind, body, and overall health. .

And most likely you’ve linked more pain and discomfort/inconvenience to working out and eating well than you do to staying stuck in habits that DON’T serve you, because they are what you have gotten “used to doing” .

I’m here to tell you habits CAN BE changed!! I’ve done it, and it’s what I spend a lot of time and energy helping others do in my groups. .

But it starts with YOU and your desire to WANT to do better for yourself. Then have the right people, tools, and support to guide you. That’s where I come in. .

I’m working with a SELECT group of ladies to make these shifts and I want you to join us IF YOU’RE READY to create lasting change!!! Let’s connect and find the best way for you to STAY COMMITTED, and learn to enjoy taking care of yourself!! .

Drop your favorite emoji below or shoot me a message for details on my next group and my Spring/summer special that gets you access to everything I got for the whole year for less than what one month at some gyms cost!
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Monday, May 15, 2017

This is my #2ndpregnancy and let’s just say I learned WHAT NOT TO DO in my first! 😳. .

With my first I had horrible morning/all day sickness, excruciating heart burn, was exhausted, swollen (HELLO CANKLES), Felt Pregnant ALL OVER (I mean if this kid is only in my abdomen, why did my arms and thighs have to get involved, huh?!?😂), and I just didn’t enjoy the process AT ALL! .

So this time around I was COMMITTED to doing things differently. Instead of just “giving myself a pass” to not workout or eat as well as I should, I have LISTENED TO MY BODY, and viewed exercise and good nutrition as an investment and act of LOVE to myself and my growing baby girl. .

I mean let’s not kid ourselves. If you think it will somehow be easier to establish healthy habits when your an exhausted mom with a newborn, you’re in for a rude awakening friends. .

Getting on track NOW is when it needs to happen! Set yourself up for success! .

Somedays it’s only with pure will and determination, and the support of my online virtual wellness community that I bolster the motivation to make it all happen, but I do, and not only is it completely worth it, but it’s made this pregnancy a NIGHT AND DAY DIFFERENCE. .

I’m doing an incredible group for women whether you’re expecting or not, or have a house full of littles I’ve got plans to suit you. Beginning, moderate, and advanced, we find the best workouts for you and you get access to me, my community, meal plans, recipes, and most importantly support to make the changes you need to be a healthier YOU!! .

Today you are the oldest you have ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be again and you should be ENJOYING and fully loving your life with the energy you want. .

If you want more info about how to join me drop your favorite emoji below and I’ll connect with you today!! 🤰🏼😉🙌🏼😘
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Bellies Bunz and Barres

This preggo mama bellied up to "The Barre" 😊 in the comfort of my own home today for 20 mins of Bun and Upper body Burning 🔥🔥. .

I only made exercise a DAILY part of my life when I got wise and REMOVED the obstacles aka excuses that stood between me and just GETTING IT DONE!! .

Having access to workouts when "I" needed to fit them in was/is KEY! .

This Barre Workout is one of MANY workouts on my Exclusive Pregnancy Fit Calendar that you can stream from wherever you get a wifi signal! .

Mom life and life in general has enough challenges, having access to EFFECTIVE workouts that you can access literally anywhere you are and are all under 30 mins is a GOD SEND! .

Don't make it harder than it has to be!! Drop your favorite emoji below if you'd like to hear more about my virtual wellness studio and streaming workouts, meal plans, support, and more!! 🙌🏼

Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Tuesday, May 16, 2017
