PERSEVERANCE: One of Life’s Most Valuable Lessons

Today my little love graduated from Pre-K, and it seems this whole week has been full of life lessons.

The primary lesson being PERSEVERANCE.

This “little” incline pictured here caused us Hughes ladies quite the stir.

Mac has been learning to ride her bike and once we got peddling down, we moved on to navigating hills and inclines. 😳

Let’s just say, although she comes by it honestly, this child has a short fuse when something isn’t coming naturally to her, which has presented us with AMPLE opportunity this week to tackle the topic of PERSEVERANCE.

She couldn’t understand why mama wouldn’t just keep pushing her up the incline and instead insisted that she try to figure it out on her own, try a few new approaches, and to KEEP trying!

After many tears, calming down interventions, and readings of The Angry Octopus (amazing kids anger management book by Lori Lite), she has now conquered the incline! 🙌🏼

(apologies to any neighbors that were deafened in the learning of these lessons 🙉🙈🙊)

And although it’s amazing to now see her ride her bike with confidence, the lesson of NOT GIVING UP just because something is challenging was the most pivotal. It is a lesson that kept showing up for us ALL week during learn-to-read time, open ocean swim lessons, and spelling time, and will continue showing up ALL THROUGHOUT HER LIFE!
A question I once heard someone ask that has always made me stop and think twice about giving up when something challenges me is, “How many times do you give a baby to learn to walk before you tell them to give up?”Well, I posed this question to Mac and she looked at me like I was nuts and said “You don’t tell them to give up mom, you have them try as many times as it takes!” So I looked back to her and said, “Then that’s what you do!”

We all find ourselves in this place in so many areas of our life. Something is challenging so we procrastinate it, get upset about it, make excuses around it or why “we” can’t make it happen, but really it boils down to whether you want it bad enough and are willing to put in the work to make it happen.

Funny how the lessons we endeavor to teach our children actually shine the light directly back on us, cause you can bet I thought to myself and even asked her “When have you seen mommy give up just because something was hard?”

And while in my past I definitely have been guilty of occasionally choosing the path of least resistance, I now make a conscious effort to lead by example and show her how to persevere, which only helped me to drive home the importance of this lesson, when she couldn’t name a time mommy gave up.

It’s a gut check though to think of what you’ve given up on because it challenged you, frustrated you, and/or forced you out of your comfort zone.

How much different could things be now if you kept going or figured out another way. Make today the day you persevere, and do whatever it takes, as many times as it takes!!! 🙌🏼

And HUGE Congrats to my “baby” girl for becoming a Pre-K graduate!! I can only pray that all the “life lessons” she tackles in childhood prepare her to be an incredible adult who brings light, positive change, and a never-give-up attitude to the world! Lord knows we need more of it! 😉
