The path less traveled led me here

Took this pic from a little video of Mac and I doing yoga together, and it brings me #AllTheFeels 😊💞 because 3.5 years ago I was faced with a decision that led me here.  I had invested A LOT of myself, time, energy, & money into becoming an ICU nurse. Getting my degree and diving into my career as a nurse was WHO I was. (Or so I thought at the time.) But a shift occurred when I became a mom. A new version of “me” was born. And what I thought would be a no brainer decision to go…

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Glucose Test During Pregnancy: Healthy Alternatives

YOU HAVE A CHOICE…. and there ARE ALTERNATIVES!!!  Learn to be your own best advocate!!! As discussed in this video you want to seek out alternatives that give you anywhere from 50-100 grams of sugar if you’re doing the GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test). Here are some alternatives. 6 oz. Grape Juice = 30 grams 9 oz. Apple Juice = 40 grams Slice of Bread = 15 grams cup of cereal = 30 grams Banana = 20 grams cup of milk = 12 grams two slices of bread = 30 grams 16 oz. Orange Juice = 40 grams  So for example…

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What REALLY works FOR YOU in fitness and nutrition??

When it comes to YOUR optimal health, nutrition, and fitness we are INDIVIDUALS!!  I know from my YEARS of study as a nurse, health coach, and having tried so much along my own personal journey that there is only 1 ABSOLUTE…. and that is that there is NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL!! I recovered from an eating disorder in my late teens/early twenties and have experimented with EVERY imaginable “diet”, nutrition plan, workout regime, and have learned that each person’s body is going to respond differently to certain foods, times of the day that you eat, even the season in…

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Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 26 Weeks

  #26weekspregnant Bump Date🙌🏼 my favorite kind of hump day And today we got to see our baby girl at our check up!! She is now 2 POUNDS exactly and roughly the size of a head of lettuce. She was an active little monkey this a.m. putting on a show for the Ultrasound. She is currently breech, but I’m confident that with as much as this little one likes to flip and flop she’ll be where she needs by her due date. At this point most mamas are encouraged to get a glucose test to screen for gestational diabetes. As…

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My little partner in crime and mini world traveler side kick and I were supposed to be in Punta Cana Dominican Republic this week, a trip I earned in full, but decided to sit out of this year when we found out Baby girl was on the way and Daddy would be deployed. So we’re just out here “drowning” 😂 our woes 😜😊 at our favorite beach on our island home 🏝 and giving thanks. . Thanks for choice and thanks for the complete peace in our hearts knowing that our priorities are right where they need to be. .…

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