Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 17 weeks

#17weekspregnant Bump and Baby Update. . Baby is the size of an Onion, and mama is noticing much more “volume” 😊 ALL over but especially in the TATAS region 😂 . I’m still working out daily, doing 3-4 days of resistance/weights, and now that we’re in the 2nd trimester and feeling more energetic I’m layering back in cardio and HIIT work, and 2 days of Hot Yoga. . As far as GRUB…. Meat (mainly fish 🐟) is becoming more palatable YEAY 🙌🏼 and I am so thankful my morning/all day sickness had passed. But I’m still LOVING all the veggies…

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Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 16 weeks

#16weeks Preggars TODAY!!! Any guesses what size baby is now?!? 🥑🥑🥑🥑🥑🥑😂😘😊 . And no I didn’t buy these leggings just for this occasion. 😊 I just happen to LOVE avocados and @goldsheepclothing leggings 😍 so needless to say I was pretty stoked about today’s update 🙌🏼 . Baby will be going through a massive growth spurt this next two weeks doubling in size 😳 I’m feeling great and am kicking off a round of one of my favorite interval programs that will take me up to month 7. We’re celebrating today with a heated yoga class, and kicking off day…

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Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 15 Weeks

Oh Baby 💞 My little workout partner made some serious gains this past week. #15weeks along and the size of an Apple 🍎 Babies legs are getting longer and mama can tell cause I wake up to tiny little kicks each morning. . Still working out at a minimum of 6 days a week doing primarily resistance training and some heated yoga (see my blog for deets about safety) . Getting some of my energy back, and still loving and craving 😳 ALL things Veggies and Fruit #feedme 😂 . I’ve put on some healthy pounds 🙌🏼 but am still…

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Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 14 Weeks

#14weeks Preggars Today!! 🙌🏼 Cheers to kicking off our second trimester! ✨ Little one is the size of a Lemon 🍋😊 & I can feel little flutters intermittently (which I love). For the most part my nausea is gone, although evenings I still have little to no appetite and meat doesn’t appeal to me AT ALL!! 😳 . I’ve been waking earlier and earlier each day, and enjoying quiet time in the a.m. with little one to be, some reading, prayer/meditation, and workouts. . Been listening to my body and can tell a massive difference between this second pregnancy and…

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Oh Baby!!! Trimester 1 Part 2 Workouts, Nutrition, Supplements, and More

Aloha Friends!!! We are celebrating 12 weeks today, and I have been getting LOTS of questions, so I thought I’d take a min and share about our journey to baby #2 thus far. I’m BEYOND thankful to report that for the most part my nausea has passed. It still get’s touch and go in the evenings, but if I eat before 5 p.m. and keep it light I don’t seem to have any issues.  Weeks 5-10 were ROUGH!!! Between the fatigue and nausea I had actually dropped weight, but am “rebounding” 😉 just fine.  We’ve had 2 ultrasounds with our…

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