Oh Baby!!! Trimester 1 Part 2 Workouts, Nutrition, Supplements, and More

Aloha Friends!!! We are celebrating 12 weeks today, and I have been getting LOTS of questions, so I thought I’d take a min and share about our journey to baby #2 thus far.

I’m BEYOND thankful to report that for the most part my nausea has passed. It still get’s touch and go in the evenings, but if I eat before 5 p.m. and keep it light I don’t seem to have any issues. 
Weeks 5-10 were ROUGH!!! Between the fatigue and nausea I had actually dropped weight, but am “rebounding” 😉 just fine. 
We’ve had 2 ultrasounds with our most recent one being just this a.m. We had our first 3D U/S which I didn’t ever have with Mac (REALLY Cool, LINKED HERE if you want to check it out 😉 ) Baby’s heart rate is 159 and strong. Measuring 5 cm and all screenings look good at this point. YEAY!! 
We aren’t sure if we’re going to find out the sex or let it be a surprise, but I’ll keep ya’ll posted! 
So let’s get to it. What has this yogi and fit loving mama been doing to honor all the changes happening in my body in this first trimester, and still achieve my goal of feeling strong and energetic throughout my pregnancy??? 
A few key things….
First… I move my body daily!!
Even on my days when I was nauseated I did light yoga or got outdoors for a hike or paddle board. Luckily most of my nausea didn’t kick in until later in the day. Which gave me the opportunity to get in one of my streaming workouts first thing when I woke up, so that I had the little feel good boost I needed. 
I also have continued to practice and teach Hot Yoga 2 times a week. Let me go on record here saying I DO NOT ADVOCATE OR RECOMMEND STARTING OR PRACTICING HOT YOGA WHEN PREGNANT!!! 
You might be wondering why then I choose to.
For me personally, I have been a practitioner of Hot Yoga since 2001, religiously. My body is acclimated to the heated room and asana practice. I am a low risk pregnancy, and I practiced without incident all the way up to the week I delivered MacKenna.
I know how to regulate my temperature, hydrate, and listen to the cues of my body after over a decade of practice. For this reason ONLY I continue to practice, but I do not recommend anyone start or practice Hot Yoga when expecting!!
There are so many other amazing forms of yoga that can benefit you during this incredible time in your developing child’s life. I even have a few flows I’ve personally filmed available to those I coach, and have streaming yoga flows that you can do from home that would be suitable, so just connect with me for recommendations.  As with ANY physical activity while pregnant CONSULT your healthcare provider and listen to your body!!! 
No two bodies or pregnancies are the same, so you should take every precaution to have the healthiest pregnancy for you and your baby possible. 
For me, I fortunately was very active prior to pregnancy and have been able to keep up my normal routine with some minor adjustments. I had just started a program called Hammer and Chisel a home based weight training program around the time that I conceived this baby, and I’m about midway through this program now. 
It’s been a great balance for me, as many of the days I haven’t felt like doing much cardio or jumping, and this program allows me to work up a sweat, build lean muscle, feel energetic and strong, while honoring the pace my body needs to go. 
Now that I’m starting to have more energy I’m looking into what my next workout challenge will be, so stay tuned. I’ll keep you posted, and as always you’re welcome to join me! 
The great thing is that I truly have a plethora of variety to choose from and all the options are available to me right from home with my streaming workouts and All Access Streaming Annual Pass
Second…. Nutrition. I kept my meals small and clean. 
Eating larger meals instantly made me feel icky. As did eating anything to fatty or greasy. And let’s not even talk about meat. YUCK. I still am struggling to think, look at, and prepare meat for my family much less eat it, and we were primarily pescatarian before hand anyway. 
My staples have been my daily ShakeO (Godsend) not only to get me protein, but also a plethora of other incredible nutrients and superfoods which also serves as my multivitamin. It also doesn’t hurt that it tastes delicious so my sweet tooth gets satisfied as well. 
I’m loving fresh fruit & veggies, specifically…
  • blueberries
  • baby apple bananas
  • green apples
  • raspberries
  • baby oranges
  • baby carrots
  • baby tomatoes
  • cucumber slices
  • Acai Bowls with Fresh Berries
Before pregnancy I liked to do my workouts fasted, but these days baby likes me to have a little something on my tummy, so my go to is a Flax Waffle (organic from whole foods 365 brand) topped with a little coconut/peanut butter, and a few slices of baby apple banana. YUMMMMMM…. 
I already posted about this, but I also keep a batch of my No Bake Energy Bites on hand, which are fantastic on the fly for a pick me up, and I love the Whole Foods Backcountry Bundle Trail Mix. 
As for meals….  
  • Homemade soups in my Vitamix
  • Brown Rice and Cauliflower Rice Blend with stir fried veggies
  • Cucumber and Tomato Salad with balsamic reduction
  • Salmon topped with avocado, lime, and cilantro side of green beans
  • Veggie Sandwiches
  • Salads
  • Roasted Potatoes (sweet and baby fingerling)
  • Baked spaghetti squash or zoodles with shrimp topped with either pesto, caulifredo, or a tuscan sauce
  • Eggs (scrambled with veggies in a tortilla or poached with potatoes and veggies)
  • Egg White and Veggie Quiche 

….and just the other day I actually had a turkey burger with lots of veggies that was pretty good! So maybe I’m getting over my meat thing. 🙂 (But I didn’t have to prepare it) 

Third…. Supplements 
So as I mentioned above I drink my ShakeO Daily. I have chosen to do this for a variety of reasons all of which being my personal desire to do the most healthy thing I can for my body and growing baby. In this capacity it isn’t my meal replacement or being used for weight-loss, it’s my nutrition supplement. 
I get LOTS of questions from moms about whether or not it’s “safe” to drink ShakeO during pregnancy. My answer is as follows…
I have spoken to my doctor and reviewed the ingredients with him and my naturopath, as well as done my own research and spoke to other moms who have had successful healthy pregnancies drinking ShakeO throughout and using it as their multivitamin. 
I will go on record saying THIS IS MY PERSONAL CHOICE. I am NOT your doctor, and don’t know what you’re allergic to, or if you have certain “hight risk” conditions, so always be your own best advocate and stay informed.

I’ve linked some resources below if you’re interested in learning more. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and supplements. There is no guarentee of strength, purity or safety of products, and effects may vary because everyone is different.

For me especially with as restricted as my intake has been the past few weeks, I’ve been so thankful to have my Nutrient packed liquified meal each day that keeps me full, gives me nutrients, and nips my sweet tooth in the butt. It has been the only thing I’ve consistently kept down and that was a comfort to me, knowing I was getting my baby that nutrition daily.  

In my humble opinion if there is ever a time in your life to make high quality, nutrient dense supplementation a part of your daily life, I believe it’s when it’s doing it’s most important and taxing job ever and helping to develop another human being, but watch the videos below, consult your physician, do your homework, and make your own decision. 
In addition to my Vegan ShakeO daily, I do take a methylated folic acid, B6, B12 supplement, and have taken all of the above for the entire year before we conceived to ensure that I had great levels of Folic Acid and B vits in my system in the early stages of our child’s development. 
I also take a vegan DHA and Omega 3/6 supplement for healthy fetal development.

And when I need a little extra Oomph for my workouts or a pick me up I still drink my Energize. It’s a lemon flavored Pre-workout. One of the only ones that doesn’t make me feel jittery or give me weird side effect.s

Doctors will advise to have no more than 200 mg of Caffeine daily during pregnancy. I don’t drink Coffee, but I can appreciate a little boost as much as the next tired expectant mama. Energize only has 50 mg in 1 serving, and gives me the kick I need, is a great Lemon flavor and the caffeine comes from Green Tea which I like. Here’s MORE INFO about it if you’re interested in learning more or GET YOURS HERE

I recommend talking with your doctor before doing ANYTHING, do your own research, and ultimately follow your intuition about what you know to be best for your body and baby. This is just my personal choice for me. 
So I think that about does it for now!! 🙂 GEEEEEzzzzz that was A LOT if you made it through all of that I applaud you, and I hope you found it helpful. If you have any follow up questions or would like me to clarify anything comment below, or shoot me a message!! 
As mentioned above I’m including several links to additional resources I found helpful in making my decision about ShakeO down below, or again I welcome your questions. 


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