Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 14 Weeks

#14weeks Preggars Today!! 🙌🏼 Cheers to kicking off our second trimester!

Little one is the size of a Lemon 🍋😊 & I can feel little flutters intermittently (which I love). For the most part my nausea is gone, although evenings I still have little to no appetite and meat doesn’t appeal to me AT ALL!! 😳 .

I’ve been waking earlier and earlier each day, and enjoying quiet time in the a.m. with little one to be, some reading, prayer/meditation, and workouts. . Been listening to my body and can tell a massive difference between this second pregnancy and my first with how much more “in tune” with the whole process I am.

Cravings are… Big ‘Ole Veggie sandwiches, my chocolate Mayan ShakeO, Flax waffles with sliced banana and peanut/coconut butter, and 

an occasional surge for some salty and crispy sweet potato fries 😊

I am sleeping like a champ and soaking up all the cuddles I can get from Mac and Mike.
Excited to have our check up this next week and see our little one again!


#11weekspregnant and committed to this Fit Pregnancy and remaining strong and energetic as I embrace all the changes in my body this next year. .

I hear lots of people say… I’ll wait till after xyz and then I’ll start, but I firmly believe in the validity of the following statement…. “Someday is a road that leads to the town of nowhere” .

Don’t allow yourself to buy into the idea that there will be an ideal time or an ideal circumstance to start working toward what you want. Most often life will throw you more obstacles as you start to see how committed you really are! .

It really boils down to this…. .

It’s not what we CAN do in life that makes The difference it’s what we WILL do. What are you willing to DO to have what you say you want?!?
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Tuesday, January 17, 2017

#12weekspregnant today 🙌🏼, and baby to be and I had an awesome 75 min heated yoga session at the studio and a little extra backyard flow at home. .

I’m putting together a blog about all my favorite first trimester workouts, flows, nausea tamers, nutrition tips, supplements, and more, and wanted to see what questions you had?!? .

I’m an open book so ask below and I’ll post the link when the blog is up. Also if you’re looking to start sculpting for spring and want to partake in my 3 week wellness challenge in February comment below with “send me some deets” and I’ll get back to you! 😊
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Sunday, January 22, 2017

I loved today’s workout! You should try a few of these moves!! Just the right balance of resistance and conditioning.

It’s been a bit since I’ve done a weight based fit challenge and it’s perfect timing. I’m on week 6. 🙌🏼

I took progress pics last week (I’ll post them below) …but there have been some “growing” developments this week 🤰🏻😂 so I think the next ones will be a bit different.

But I’m going primarily how I feel not look, and I’m feeling strong and energetic which has been and continues to be my goal.

Still looking for 5 ladies that want to round out my February Fit Club Challenge. We’ll work together to match you with the best workouts for you, your goals, and where you’re at, and I’ll coach you through the challenge!

Comment below or message me for details!!
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Thought I’d be sneaky and get my workout in early this a.m. but my sidekick had other plans 😊💞 .

Try out these moves and tag a friend to try them with you for some great resistance and balance/stabilization work. 15 Reps a side, I used 12 lb weights. .

Plank up downs alternating leading arm ( helps to have a cute little to smooch 😘) .

Weighted 1 legged Bridge Lat Pull Overs. .

Balance Airplane Weighted Rows. .

12.5 weeks preggars and going strong!! Are you expecting? If so how far along are you? What kind of activity are you loving? .

Caring is sharing tag a friend who might like to try these moves with you!!
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Friday, January 27, 2017
