My little partner in crime and mini world traveler side kick and I were supposed to be in Punta Cana Dominican Republic this week, a trip I earned in full, but decided to sit out of this year when we found out Baby girl was on the way and Daddy would be deployed.
So we’re just out here “drowning” 😂 our woes 😜😊 at our favorite beach on our island home 🏝 and giving thanks. .
Thanks for choice and thanks for the complete peace in our hearts knowing that our priorities are right where they need to be. .
4 years ago I was… An exhausted new mom, getting by on a single family income, debating putting Mac in childcare so I could pick up shifts at the hospital, and struggling to find out “who I was” in my new roles as mom and wife, and travel… well let’s say travel was a FAR off possibility “if” we got out of debt (someday), saved enough, and could “get” the time off.

Now our life has done a complete 180…. it hasn’t been without A LOT of learning and hard work, but now we have the freedom to choose. We’ve gone on 6 all inclusive vacays around the world, paid off our debt, and because I decided to become the healthiest happiest version of me our marriage is improved, I’ve been able to pay this opportunity forward to others and help them get healthy, be present everyday in Mac’s life, and we will soon welcome this baby girl into the world in far less stress than we did when Mac was born. .
It feels pretty amazing to call WORK an opportunity that has provided us all of this, AND the freedom of CHOICE over the years. Not only can we design our days, but also earn beautiful trips?!? .
I’ll be missing my team this week, but am beyond humbled that a few of those I’ve mentored will be enjoying this trip as reward for all the heart and hustle they invested into becoming amazing coaches!
If any of my story resonated with you we should chat! OR YOU CAN LEARN MORE BY CLICKING HERE.
The greatest blessing is seeing others step into their best lives and getting to be part of their journey there. Maybe the next one I share about will be yours!!