Immune Boosting Must Haves

This mama ain’t got time for cold & flu season!! And I know you feel the same!! So I wanted to share my Go-To ways we boost immunity as a family. (The LIVE vid (below) was done when I was expecting our youngest baby Ky, so some of the supplements I share I had to avoid during pregnancy, HOWEVER when I’m not expecting these are our GO-Tos because our first & best defense is a good offense!! (I also included some of the additional things I do when I am PREGGO at the end of this blog for my expectant…

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Healthy Valentines Treat… Love Bug

I subscribe to the philosophy that if I wouldn’t give a treat to my own kid I’m not gonna give it to someone elses. So, I’m always on the look out for fun classroom treats that can also give me a win in the more “healthy” column. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for a treat every now and again, but when I’m sending Mac to school with treats for a class party I try to make sure it’s not something that’s full of sugar. I adore her teacher’s and don’t want to hop a classroom full of students up…

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Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 14 Weeks

#14weeks Preggars Today!! 🙌🏼 Cheers to kicking off our second trimester! ✨ Little one is the size of a Lemon 🍋😊 & I can feel little flutters intermittently (which I love). For the most part my nausea is gone, although evenings I still have little to no appetite and meat doesn’t appeal to me AT ALL!! 😳 . I’ve been waking earlier and earlier each day, and enjoying quiet time in the a.m. with little one to be, some reading, prayer/meditation, and workouts. . Been listening to my body and can tell a massive difference between this second pregnancy and…

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Oh Baby!!! Trimester 1 Part 2 Workouts, Nutrition, Supplements, and More

Aloha Friends!!! We are celebrating 12 weeks today, and I have been getting LOTS of questions, so I thought I’d take a min and share about our journey to baby #2 thus far. I’m BEYOND thankful to report that for the most part my nausea has passed. It still get’s touch and go in the evenings, but if I eat before 5 p.m. and keep it light I don’t seem to have any issues.  Weeks 5-10 were ROUGH!!! Between the fatigue and nausea I had actually dropped weight, but am “rebounding” 😉 just fine.  We’ve had 2 ultrasounds with our…

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Why do we procrastinate, start and stop, and self sabotage?

Procrastination & Starting and Stopping. Anyone had these two culprits sabotage goals you say you want?? I have! 👋🏼 I’m open about the fact that I have overcome an eating disorder, and tackled some other unhealthy habits in my life to get me where I am now. It’s all been part of my journey and is why I’m so passionate about my role as a health coach and paying forward what I’ve learned to help others do the same. But what REALLY motivated me to take action? What really got me to the place where there was no going back, and…

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