Get your Post Holiday Groove Back

Feeling a little tired, bloated, sluggish, and like you’re coming out of a post holiday coma?? (Yeah, me too!!!)  WELCOME TO THE WEEK between Christmas & New Years Friends 😂 IT’S TIME TO GET OUR POST HOLIDAY GROOVE BACK! Whether it’s coming home from traveling OR just being massively out of our routine, I know that to keep myself out of extreme overwhelm & that feeling of “where the heck do I even begin to get back into the swing of things?”, I HAVE TO GET MOVING!!!! So I’m gifting you my… 3 THINGS YOU CAN DO NOW to get…

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The Netflix of Fitness

Before becoming a mama I dabbled in all types of fitness. I taught yoga & spin, had trainers, would go to the gym, and loved attending group fitness & spin classes. But, all of that comes to a screeching halt when you have a little one, no childcare, and getting out of the house to do anything feels like it takes everything you have. And let’s not even get started on the endless ways we can overcomplicate nutrition. It was in the early days of motherhood, I knew there had to be a better way, and that if I wanted…

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Glow Go Mom Juice: Staple of my Morning Energy & Skin Care Routine

I’m a HUGE advocate of morning habits that will set me up with energy for my day. If you watch my IG Stories you know Glow Go Mom Juice ( Energize & Collagen) is a big part of that!! What is Glow Go Mom Juice?? It’s my stand in for coffee and my go to way of bringing a little extra Oomph to my workouts & skin care routine in one. THE GO PART… aka Energize Show of hands if you’ve ever struggled with low energy, no motivation, or lack of focus? “YES!”, said every mom who ever lived ;), Ha!  ENERGIZE is…

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How to get kids to eat healthy foods

I get asked regularly about how I get our kids to eat & like healthy foods. ⁣⁣⁣⁣ First, even though they DO eat & like mostly healthy foods, their personalities & preferences are very different ⁣⁣⁣⁣Mac has always eaten anything put in front of her, & Ky is VERY sensitive with textures. (She refused ALL baby foods, & would ONLY nurse until about 14 months 😳). To this day she refuses anything”mushy”⁣⁣⁣⁣ By no means do I think what works for one works for all. ⁣⁣⁣⁣That said, I firmly believe it starts with us & what we model to them⁣⁣⁣⁣.…

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Travel Healthy Tips

Who’s planning to travel this summer?? 🙋‍♀️ This little motley crew and I be on the go for an ENTIRE MONTH!! Visiting 3 states, hopping numerous LONG flights, & several LONG road trips. Luckily this isn’t my first rodeo!! I wanted to equip you with some of my Travel Healthy Tips before our Summer Adventures begin. WHY TRAVEL HEALTHY? Ever come back from your vacation feeling like you need another vacation?? Yeah, me too! We are blessed to travel quite a bit in this family, so after one too many trips where we all got sick; or, we came back feeling…

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