Vitamin-Packed Fudgy Pops

Fortunately for me, this crazy little sidekick of mine is on board with most of my clean & healthy food shenanigans. But I know that this isn’t the case for LOTS of my fellow mamas. Plus, I’m always on the lookout for quality ways to ensure that she gets the best nutrition and that snack time and “treats” are always in demand. One of our favorites (yes, mama eats them too!) is these vitamin-packed fudge pops! They are super simple to make and using Daily Sunshine as a base allows me to sneak in an extra helping of veggies, fruits,…

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Post C-section Must Haves

Even though Kyla was breech for all of my third trimester, it wasn’t until the night before my C-section that I actually allowed myself to fully believe that I wouldn’t be able to deliver her naturally the way we had planned. So needless to say, we had not “prepared” ourselves until the last minute.  Looking back on it now, I wanted to share a few things that were REALLY helpful and necessary for having a C-section. You can also see what I packed in my too in this blog post: Hospital Bag with Printable Checklist HERE. I have experienced both a vaginal birth…

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Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 40 Weeks

Our FINAL #BumpDay Update 😊💞 One week ago today, I sat in my doctor’s office at my 39-week checkup and was told my amniotic fluid was low, Ky was still breech, I was 2cm dilated, and that they had miscalculated her size and it appeared she wasn’t growing anymore.  My hope to “let things ride,” go into labor naturally, and hope she’d flip head down so I could deliver her was evaporating before my eyes.  I plan to share more about what happened next when I blog our birth story, but to summarize I was then admitted to the hospital,…

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Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 39 Weeks

Well, friends… looks like it’s time! Today was my 39-week check. #BumpDay. Baby Ky should be about the size of a pumpkin (although how huge does this thing look – SERIOUSLY 😳😂) . But at my appointment, the fluid in my womb is much lower than they like to see, and I’m 2cm dilated with no contractions, so it’s looking like it’s time to make the call. Low fluid can make it next to impossible for babies to turn from breech this late in the game, and it’s concerning for baby’s safety, so the plan is that we’re headed to…

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Hospital Bag Checklist

Having done a hospital birth once before, I’ve learned a few things that are really nice to have. Some items are provided by the hospital (it depends on your hospital), but others are wonderful to bring on your own and are things you often don’t think of until you’re in the moment. If you’re planning a hospital birth, you should have your bag packed at least three weeks before your due date. I’ve included a printable checklist for you below and have linked some additional items as well. Always feel free to connect with me if you have questions about anything…

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