Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 39 Weeks

Well, friends… looks like it’s time! Today was my 39-week check. #BumpDay.

Baby Ky should be about the size of a pumpkin (although how huge does this thing look – SERIOUSLY 😳😂) .

But at my appointment, the fluid in my womb is much lower than they like to see, and I’m 2cm dilated with no contractions, so it’s looking like it’s time to make the call.

Low fluid can make it next to impossible for babies to turn from breech this late in the game, and it’s concerning for baby’s safety, so the plan is that we’re headed to the hospital to be admitted for fluids and then by tomorrow morning, one way or another, Baby Ky will be headed to this side of the WORLD .


Can’t believe I just wrote that!! YAY! 😊💞🙌🏼  HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES OF MY WORKOUTS FROM WEEK 39


39 Weeks Preggars 🙌🏼 and this mama is still moving and shaking. A healthy, active pregnancy has been my goal and now we’re in the final week and despite my setbacks last week, I’m so thankful to have gotten in a great session this morning.

All the work I’ve invested in taking care of myself and mustering the energy and determination even when it was challenging, is paying off.

AND…. You can still join me!! I’m STILL working with the mamas in my Rockin Your Bump Group AND am already taking postpartum mamas that have been given the all clear, and are going to be jumping into some new mama healthy habits in my postpartum group!! .

For info on either group with access to all my workouts, meal plans, recipes, and more comment below OR use the link in comments below and fill out either my pregnancy health assessment or my regular health assessment and I’ll connect with you and get you all the details!!😊💞

One of my favorite workouts pregnant or not. This one is my fast fix go to…. 10 minutes, 10 moves, 1 move/minute.

One of the 400 + options in my virtual wellness studio and part of my customized workout calendars for my Rockin Your Bump Pre and Postnatal Health & Fitness Group. .

Where we tackle pre and postnatal workouts, nutrition, mindset, and all the fun ups and downs of pregnancy and recovery. .

For details use the link in the comments below to take your free health assessment and I’ll shoot you the details. .

All workouts are steaming and accessible where ever you have a wifi connection.💻📱 .

At #39weekspregnant I’m SO thankful to have gotten to experience what a difference it makes to have a healthy, active, and strong pregnancy this go around, and love sharing what’s working to help other mamas and mamas to be do the same! .

Join us!! Use link in comments below OR comment interested below and I’ll get you the details!!

**Only available to stream in US and Canada (for now)** but I’d love to help other mamas feel healthy and energetic as they embrace this super special journey!!
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Isn’t the human body an incredible thing??? It’s crazy that this video was three days ago, just before my 39 week appointment, and now here I sit awaiting my discharge from the hospital after delivering my little 5 pound bundle of joy via csection. 😳 it’s been an eventful few days for sure. .

I’m humbled by how much has changed with my body in just a few short days, and I’m SOOOO Thankful that I took care of myself throughout this pregnancy, because recovery from a csection is no joke. .

They really had to tug to get her out of her Frank breech position, and this mama is really FEELING it now. .

I know it was being committed to movement, workouts like these, and my nutrition that will help me get my strength and mobility back when it’s time. .

I’ll still be guiding my pregnancy and postpartum groups as I recover and staying committed to my own nutrition as I do, and as always sharing each step along the way. .

If you’d like to join me and have access to my pre and post natal workouts and customized workout calendars & nutrition plans that are part of my Rockin Your Bump Health & Fitness Group, connect with me using the link in the comments below to take your free health assessment and I’ll shoot you the details. 🙌🏼 .

All workouts are steaming and accessible where ever you have a wifi connection.💻📱 .

Now being on the postnatal side of things I can tell you that it’s worth the effort to take care of yourself during so you can come back after!! .

**Workouts Only available to stream in US and Canada (for now)** but I’d love to help other mamas feel healthy and energetic as they embrace this super special journey!!
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Saturday, August 5, 2017



  1. November 13, 2017 / 4:30 pm

    Nice work Jacklyn! It's really important to keep yourself fit and healthy…. proper neutrition is necessary aswell!! There are lots of things you need to take care of at a time like this.

  2. December 11, 2017 / 6:24 am

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