How I Stopped Emotional Eating & Embraced MINDFUL NOURISHMENT

In my late teens/early twenties, I developed an eating disorder. It’s something I’ve very open about now because overcoming it has made me so passionate about what I do now as a health & lifestyle coach! My disorder was in large part a result of emotional eating and control. I would use food to appease my moods, and when I “felt” any kind of way – sad, happy, mad, celebratory – I would either console myself with food or reward myself with food and then I would feel guilty about it. It set me up for a vicious cycle of…

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Breastfeeding Survival Guide: What I Wish I Would Have Known

Breastfeeding is often an afterthought. For me, breastfeeding was something I just assumed would naturally take place once baby was here. YIKES, was I in for a rude awakening! 🙂 Through my exhausted new mom haze, I had to play catch up and become a full-time student of breastfeeding. Just a few lessons learned: How to maneuver the right position to get a good latch What to do for my cracked and bleeding nipples How to manage to manage the ravenous hunger you feel when breastfeeding (preggo cravings ain’t got nothing on breastfeeding cravings!) How to manage my hefty letdown, so I didn’t…

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The Pregnancy & Postpartum Body Image Battle and Overcoming Body Dysmorphia

As women, our bodies are capable of some SERIOUSLY superhuman stuff. During my pregnancy, I often thought “WOW… today I’m literally growing a little brain, little eyes, little hands, a LITTLE PERSON inside me!”    Now, I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a pretty badass superpower! But what about what has to happen to our bodies for this awesome superpower to occur? And what about after? I know for me, as empowering as pregnancy was, during my first pregnancy I got blindsided by some pretty negative self-talk.I had struggled in my late teens/early twenties with an eating…

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Eat Clean on a Budget

“But eating clean & healthy is way too expensive!” This is one of the most common things I hear when helping others transition to a healthier lifestyle, especially when it’s a shift the whole family is making. Truth is, eating clean is not just for those who can afford it! With just a bit of planning and effort (that is WELL worth it!), clean eating can be versatile & budget-flexible. Not to worry! I’m going to show you how. It starts with realizing the good stuff you probably have in your kitchen or pantry: veggies, fruits, and lean meats. These…

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What to do About Overwhelm

Life, and especially motherhood, offers up plenty of opportunities for the big “O” to take the wheel. The big “O” being overwhelm! Feeling overwhelmed is both a mental and a physical experience. When we perceive an event or set of events as more than we can handle, our “fear sensor” in our brain literally activates and sounds the alarm throughout our bodies. For some this can even become so severe and trigger panic attacks or anxiety, others depression, but it’s no doubt the struggle is real! During this second pregnancy, running a home-based business, chasing after my active 5-year-old, and…

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