Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 38 Weeks

It’s Bump Day Week 38 and last night Ky and I pulled our first all-nighter. (Well, technically I did get 3 hours – yay! 😊)  Thanks to a brutal upper respiratory tract infection that I picked up as a souvenir this last week.

Today we had our baby check-in and she is nearing 7 pounds 10 ounces and approximately the size of a baby watermelon 🍉 Side note: how rad is Mac and my mini shark 🦈 watermelon?!? It’s the little things that bring me joy & honestly a welcomed distraction from recent events! 😊

NO signs of active labor and baby girl is still very upright aka breech and seems content there for now.

My focus today – after a day full of MRIs & other scans and tests yesterday – has been gratitude and joy in the little things.

With EVERYTHING going on, topped off with having a wicked head cold and brutal cough, it would be easy to just think “woe is me” these last days of my pregnancy.

But that’s not my style 😉🙃, and since my go-to way to boost my spirits and energy is off the table for a couple days (working out) I have shifted my energy to other equally important areas to focus on:

Fueling myself with rest, gratitude, love, faith, & positivity. Listening to and reading uplifting & positivity stimulating things, and just being present with those who are here to support me.

In my world, every day begins and ends with gratitude, so I am focusing on being home with Mac, the fact that I have access to amazing medical care, great nutrient-rich, healing foods, I am able to have a work-from-home job that surrounds me with positive, uplifting people who go out of their way to check on me, send me all the good vibes, and have my back. 😊😘

I share this because ALL have days, seasons, and times when we are not on our “A-game,” and it’s OKAY to NOT be okay sometimes!!

So today if you have your health, CELEBRATE it and take advantage by doing something to take better care of you, and if, like me, you aren’t at your peak today for whatever reason, honor that, rest, and fuel up on gratitude and other ways to fill up your soul.

Cheers to health, and for all of you able to move your bodies and breathe today (please do some of both for me!! 😂).

I’m up to my eyeballs 👀 in all my essential oils, superfoods, humidifiers, positive affirmations, and all the good juju I can surround myself with to kick this bug before little one decides to make her debut.


I’m under orders to take it easy so I am, but endorphins are ALWAYS good for this mama

And after two days of nuttin but rest, I’m super thankful for my 10 minute lowers workout and a “Groove It” session with my little love this morning, ’cause mama needed to MOVE! 😊💞 & this was JUST what I needed today!

I’m still “resting” & nursing my upper respiratory tract infection 😷🤧 but this workout I rocked just 2 days ago before “the sickies” hit me like a ton of bricks, and as I rung in #38weekspregnant 🙌🏼 .

Now more than ever I’m soooooo thankful I’ve stayed active and healthy throughout my pregnancy, because these last weeks of pregnancy (not to mention labor itself is WERK!) Ha! .

I realize now all the work I’ve invested in taking care of myself and mustering the energy and determination, is paying off because it’s been my endurance training for my upcoming mommy marathon 😂! 🙌🏼 .

You can still join me!! I’m STILL working with the mamas in my Rockin Your Bump Group AND am already taking postpartum mamas that have been given the all clear, and are going to be jumping into some new mama healthy habits in my postpartum group!! .

For info on either group comment below OR use the link in comments below, and fill out either my pregnancy health assessment or my regular health assessment and I’ll connect with you and get you all the details!!

#39weekspregnant Mañana 🙌🏼 and got to rock my favorite 3rd trimester workout this a.m. (Barre) I’ve been “resting” & recovering from this gnarly Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, but today mama needed to MOVE!!

and this 20 min butt kicker did the trick and was just enough.

I’m still fighting through the sickies and have found the following to be my go to ways to find some relief since I’m limited on anything I can take to relieve this nasty cough and congestion.

It’s no bueno being sick ever, but especially preggo when you have a little one pressing up against your lungs 😳😂

✨ Neil’s Med saline nasal flushes
✨ Drinking LOTS of fluids
✨ Running my humidifier
✨ Diffusing my Essential oils (Breathe & On Guard) are my faves.
✨ My homemade Electrolyte Popsicles (recipe on my blog)
✨ My Daily Vegan Superfood Smoothie
✨ Bone Broth & Hot Tea (Yogi Tea Throat Comfort)
✨ Apple Cider Vinegar tonics
✨Lemon, Cheyenne, Tumeric wellness shots



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