Unexpected Third Trimester Curve Ball

I’ve been laying low for the past day getting my head wrapped around what unexpectedly came about on Thursday evening.

In 100% transparency, we are still very much in the middle of figuring it all out.

But I’ve been open about sharing our pregnancy journey thus far and want to continue to do so, and also thank those you who commented on my earlier post for your love and prayers.

On Thursday after feeling a bit “off” I thought I’d try and rally to take Mac on a promised mommy-daughter date.

As I was driving down the road, I started to lose my peripheral vision in my right eye and had floaters.

I pulled over & it started to seem to resolve, so I chalked it up to a blood pressure fluctuation and got back on the road.

I was nearing my destination and my vision started to go again, but this time my whole right hand and the lower portion of my arm went tingly then numb, and I wasn’t able to get words out. Luckily I made it to a parking lot, but…

I wasn’t able to speak except to say, “Call Mike – something’s wrong.” I could see what I wanted to say in my mind’s eye, but getting the words to come out wasn’t happening. It was quite the freaky thing and having the background I do in neuro and nursing the thought crossed my mind, “Am I having a stroke?”

I was on speaker phone already with my dad who helped me get in touch with Mike.

In a very challenging fashion, I pieced together enough words to tell him which parking lot I had made it to, and he came to get me and took me to the hospital.

We first made sure Ky was okay, which she was/is my blood pressure was/is great, as was my heart rate.

All my symptoms resolved within 30 minutes, but it was scary & quite perplexing.

It is agreed upon by several physicians that the episodes very much resembles what is called a TIA or a transient ischemic attack (mini-stroke).

But I am still “IN” the process of being worked up to know more.

Because I am a very active healthy 34-year-old with no risk factors, this is uncommon, but not unheard of, as pregnancy does increase your risk of blood clots and bleeding issues.

For now, I’m at home, laying low, and working with my family and doctors to figure this out and the next best steps.

Curveballs get thrown our way daily, but I’m a firm believer that it’s all in how we handle them that shapes our lives.

I’m so thankful and blessed that I was on the phone with my dad, and that I was able to get Mac and I safely where we needed to be, and I’m confident that all will be well and we’ll find answers as I’m watched over by some fierce guardian angels and the big guy himself upstairs. 🙏🏼😊



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