Time is your most precious resource…. Don’t waste it!!!

Once I became a mom the value of my time took on a whole new meaning. In order to be a working mom I was no longer just exchanging my time for dollars. Because I wasn’t just sacrificing MY time anymore, I was sacrificing OUR Time. 
This consideration was my major motivator to be open to other career options that crossed my path. 
Options that allowed me to be both a full time present active mama AND make a living fulfilling my passion and purpose in the area of health & helping others. 
I thank God everyday that I randomly stumbled into coaching by clicking on an acquaintances Social Media Post (just like this 😉 ) … because it started me on a path to become both a successful mompreneur AND an active adventurous mama soaking up every moment of my daughter’s childhood. 
I won’t lie to you… this path still takes WERK, but it’s work I LOVE to do. It boils down to what kind of work you are willing to do for what kind of pay off? 
My job is literally to work on being the best healthiest version of ME daily, and help other people do the same!!! The more I successfully help people and myself, the more successful I am as a coach. It’s a perpetual cycle of paying forward positivity & health, and it ROCKS!! 
I no longer “just” earn a paycheck for my time. Although my income has surpassed what I made as a full time ICU nurse working nights, but now I’ve been able to never miss a day of my daughter’s young life (priceless) AND I’ve helped get our family debt free!! 
We paid all off all our consumer debt, and cars, and have an actual SAVINGS. We don’t have to for go family vacations, or activities for Mac, and this is only the beginning. 
But that’s not the best part… I have also gained a whole new sense of self & confidence, improved my relationship with my husband, am the healthiest and happiest version of me, have FREEDOM to decide what everyday will look like, and it’s my JOB to help other people do the SAME THING!!!  That’s a good work/ time trade off for me! 
I also get to share this opportunity with others and mentor them to create what their version of successful living means to them.
I literally stumbled into this opportunity by clicking on a Social Media post JUST LIKE THIS, and asking myself one simple question. Why not??? I was curious and was willing to throw any preconceived judgements about myself and the opportunity in front of me out of the window and see where it led me. 
So now I’m paying forward the opportunity I was given. In 2 short years I’ve become a TOP 2 Time Elite Coach with a thriving tribe of positive healthy souls as my partners and I’m looking to mentor 5 mamas, looking to parter with us who want to….
* Be Healthy
* Help People
* Build Freedom, by pulling out all the stops and excuses. 
When I started I was just a new military spouse, and stay at home mom struggling to find my identity and passion again. I wasn’t in the “fitness” industry, I was a just a new mom weighing the decision to leave my daughter and go back to work to help my family financially or stay home and resign myself to the fact that we would live like most people… in debt for a long time. 
When I started I didn’t truly believe I was capable of inspiring anyone.  I didn’t truly believe I was capable of building a thriving business. I just knew I wanted MORE out of life and that that was enough to get me going. 
If you are interested in learning more and hopping on a LIVE CALL  with me click the link below. No commitment just a chance to learn more and potentially unlock an incredible opportunity for yourself and your family!!! 