My Results are In…. Now let’s get yours!!

I’m not gonna lie, this yoga loving mama was super nervous to take this 60 Day Bootcamp inspired challenge. But I always remind myself that although comfort zones are a beautiful place… NOTHING ever grows there. So I was STOKED at the opportunity to take a leap outside of mine and take part in this test group. 
What am I talking about? Well if you’re new to my blog WELCOME!! 😉 I was selected and asked to participate in the pre-launch test group for world class trainer Tony Horton’s newest program 22 Minute Hard Corps. I’ve been a long time believer in Tony’s training style and have done some of his programs in the past, but was hitting a plateau and was ready for a new challenge. 
That’s exactly what I got. 
This 8 week program is a mix of cardio and resistance that you can do from ANYWHERE in only 22 mins a day. Actual Veterans do the workout alongside Tony and each workout is set to a cadence. 
Honestly I was skeptical if 22 mins was enough time each day to get substantial results, but I can honestly say THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE GO TO PROGRAM. I not only lost pounds and lots of inches, but it completely has started to reshape my body!! Wanna see????

I lost 6 pounds and 9.5 inches. But more importantly is how I FEEL!!! I was a bit stagnant in my routine, and although I LOVE my daily yoga practice I wanted to have more tone, definition, and energy. 
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED!!!  I have so much more energy, endurance, confidence, and I completely love the workouts and meal plan. I wasn’t alone in feeling that this program met my needs. Check out some of the other results from my fellow test group participants.

Men and women alike were loving the workouts, the new moves, and the 22 MINUTES!!! 

I mean who wouldn’t? I’m a fan of Tony as a trainer, and I trusted that if I put in the effort errrrrrday, the results would come, and he certainly didn’t disappoint.
So ready for the specifics???
– How Long is the Program?
60 Days (8 weeks) with an optional “Hell Week” (which I’m doing now)
– How long are the workouts?
22 Mins a day with an optional core add on workout (10 mins) on Cardio Days
– What Equipment do you need?
I list that in my Month 1 Review Blog HERE 
– What do you eat? 
Clean REAL foods, with delicious recipes, simple color coded portion control meals. NO Calorie counting. The whole family ate what I ate, which is important for me. 
– What did I love most? 
The fact that the workouts are 22 mins AND that I’ve gotten such great results, and feel so good. 
– How Many Workouts Come in the Program? 
– Who is This Program For? 
Truly anyone that is ready to get great results, especially if you’re short on time. 

– What Kind of Workouts Are They? 
Total Body Movements, Bootcamp Inspired

– Is There a Modifier?
Absolutely. However, the moves still require more than a beginner level. 
– Do I need much space? 
Recommended…. around 6 square feet, but I did it in my office space.

– Do I Need Shakeology? 
Yes, I recommend it. My results are based on me drinking ShakeO ERrrrrrryday….. wouldn’t go without it! 

– Is the Performance Line necessary? 
I used it, and it really helped me with overall performance, not feeling sore, and being more rested and recovered the next day. Plus I LOVE my energize AND…. The performance line products count as “free foods” meaning you don’t use up any of your portions with them! An extra perk to why they are so awesome 🙂 

– Is This For Men or Women? 
Both For SURE!! 

– Can I Do The Plan Paleo/Vegan/Gluten Free? 
YES! It’s easy to adjust to your needs. 
– What’s The Best Deal to get mine? 
The March Challenge packs through a COACH!!!  Because they include the sandbag and your choice of Shakeology or the Performance Line products for a huge bundled discount to get you started!
If so I’m ready for you!!! 