My “BIG” (in reverse) Moment

One week ago, I literally had a “BIG” in reverse moment, and became a kid again!! (Reference to the popular 80’s movie with Tom Hanks where he wishes to be grown up, but is still a kid inside, for those non-children of the 80’s 😉 )  
In these pictures a childhood dream was fulfilled! It wasn’t just about swimming with dolphins. Although THAT was amazing. But, since as far back as I can remember I have loved the ocean and was fascinated by every creature that lived in it. 
Odd for a girl that grew up in the desert of AZ I know. I thought for a long time that this  passion would steer me into a career as a marine biologist. 
I don’t quite know when the shift into “reality” happened. Sometime between “out of state college costs too much”, and the marine biology program at UofA getting closed down due to budget cuts, but I allowed my marine biology dreams to fly away and replaced them with a more “practical” career path. 
Something that my family agreed would provide me a more “secure” future and income. Nursing. 
And don’t get me wrong… I LOVED being an ICU nurse. Taking care of people when they need it the most has been a blessing, providing me so many opportunities, and teaching me so many valuable life lessons that I wouldn’t trade, but I was missing a big chunk of living and loving life, and could feel my passions getting further and further away. 
As I look at this picture I see abundant JOY and unbridled happiness, and I know how I got back to this place, and am so thankful. 
When I got out of that dolphin tank a complete stranger came up to me and she said.  “I couldn’t take my eyes off you. Out of everyone in that pool, kids and adults alike you radiated complete joy and happiness. There was no doubt who was having the best time, I couldn’t help but watch you and smile the whole time”
It’s true, I was lit up. I practically levitated out of the pool. Isn’t that how life should be? Shouldn’t we find what lights us up like this, makes us come alive, and do THAT as much as possible? Radiate happiness and positivity so much that it lights up those around us too? 
Two and a half years ago I made a series of small choices that turned into a BIG coarse change for my life. I decided to become a health and wellness coach instead of go back to nursing at the hospital.  A huge shift that coaching has allowed me to have is the freedom and flexibility to live life more. Part of living fully is exploring your passions, and I now have time and resources to do more of these types of things. Life has so many unexpected twists and turns and it’s NEVER too late to get more out of your life experience!!  
Becoming a coach has certainly been a HUGE blessing that has allowed me to devote more time to the things I love…. Family, travel, being outdoors and having adventures, and exploring more of my passions.
My journey started unexpectedly, stumbling upon a blog post just like this. And doing a 60 Day Fitness Challenge. That was it… that opened the door and sparked my curiosity to uncover more. 
You may be where I was… taking out old pics and remember when you used to know yourself, radiate happiness, feel confident in your own skin, have big dreams, and feel lit up inside, but somewhere along the way you got caught up. 
Caught up in the idea that you needed to be more “practical”, caught up in a series of decisions that seemed out of your control, or caught up in what other people’s idea of what your life should look like, and the mere idea of getting back a piece of your “old self” seems like it’s too much effort to even begin.
I have a challenge for you.  
Commit to becoming the best version of you NOW. You don’t want your old self back… The you, you are right now has so much more experience and potential, and are capable of even bigger things.  You still have all that charisma inside, you just have to uncover it. And now that charisma will have maturity, and experience to magnify it. 
Strip away all the junk that doesn’t serve you. Resentment, excuses, and guilt, and just commit to a few new behaviors that will change your world. 
There are literally TONS of self improvement “how to” books and seminars on this topic, BUT I’m going to summarize & let you in on a not so secret secret. It’s the way that I and so many others got started. 
Make YOU a priority. And just START.  NO EXCUSES. Decide to get up one day and change 1 behavior FOR GOOD. 
Start with getting enough sleep, then add in exercise, and eat clean whole foods and less processed junk, take in (read or listen to) something positive for your mindset daily, and surround yourself with positive people working toward the same goals to help keep you accountable.  
These choices seem simple, but I PROMISE will compound and ROCK YOUR WORLD. You’ll feel like a new person, and will start to see everything differently, have more energy, and will be ready for what comes next. 
You’ll have started to make yourself and health a priority again and then you can DIVE in to bigger stuff, the really good stuff!
Maybe it’s pursuing a passion or maybe you haven’t quite figured “it” out yet and are still searching. 
If what I do now as a coach has intrigued you, I welcome you to connect with me and learn more. (LINK BELOW) 
Part of my life now is the pursuit of the feeling you see pictured here. I find it in so many areas of life (motherhood, yoga, nature, family, wildlife, LIVING) and it’s my joy to share it with you and hopefully guide you to exploring ways that you can spark that fire within yourself. #payitforward
It’s what we’re here to do!
 After all… “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience” MAKE THE MOST OF IT!! 
Find more ways for you to come alive, connect, and experience life!!
If you need support in getting started with some step by step support on your health & fitness journey, OR you’re ready for big changes and want to dive into one of my coaching mentorships Connect with me HERE I’m excited to hear from you!! 

Getting Started

Coaching Info

Even better that I got to share my experience with my daughter. Seeing the world through their eyes is truly magical…

Fun Facts…. The dolphins I swam with were celebrities 😉 Kekaimalu & Mikioi were featured in the Adam Sandler & Drew Barrymore  50 First Dates, and the Wholphin pictured with MacKenna is Kekaimalu,  and she is the only Wholpin in captivity in existence, although others are reported in the wild. She is 1/2 false killer whale 1/2 Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin. 
