Clean Sweet Treats Part 1

Who loves sweets?? Meeeeeeeee (2 enthusastic hands raised) However, I also LOVE taking care of my body and feeling good. So I’m always on the look out and creating ways to have little treats on hand that satiate my sweet tooth and fuel me.
Here are my favorite Go-To sweet tooth fixes along with the recipes. I personally am a HUGE believer inShakeology, and often it’s my go to for nipping those cravings, but  sometimes I need something different. I do use it in some of the recipes below, so you will see it referenced. If you are interested in learning more about why this is the most superior superfood option for a meal replacement/supplement and for your treats you can learn more HERE

My little monkey and I are HUGE fans of chocolate, so finding a way to make it beneficial and guilt free was a MUST DO. This super simple recipe and method is TOOOOO EASY and delicious you must try it!! 
You’ll Need: 
* 2 Scoops of Chocolate or Vegan Chocolate ShakeO (or more to make a larger batch) 
* 2.5 TBS Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (or more to make a larger batch
* a Shallow Dish or peanut butter cup/chocolate molds (found at your local craft store, or you can orderHERE
* Melt your 2 TBS of EVCO (Extra Virgin Coconut Oil) & Mix together with your 2 scoops of Chocolate or Vegan Chocolate Shakeology until it’s a runny smooth batter like consistency. 
* Place liquid chocolate mixture into Chocolate Molds or into a Shallow dish lined with saran wrap. 
* Place dish/chocolate molds in the freezer. Should solidify within 10-15 mins. 
* Pop out of dish/molds and enjoy
**OPTION for added flavor…. sprinkle sea salt lightly over the chocolate mixture for a sea salt chocolate OR a dash cinnamon & cheyenne pepper to make it a spicy mayan chocolate, OR  mix in organic peppermint extract prior to adding mix to molds for an extra punch of flavor.** 
You’ll need: 
* Same ingrediets listed above
* Your preferred peanut, almond, or nut butter (I use a coconut/peanut butter blend) 
* Peanut Butter Cup Molds (Can be found at local craft stores or HERE
TIP: Look for nut butters with MINIMAL ingredients and NO added sugars. It’s always great to try making your own and is easy if you have a Vitamix or Ninja Blender. 
* Prepare the chocolate just as you did in the recipe above
* Line each peanut butter cup mold with .5-1 tsp of preferred nut butter
* Top each with chocolate mixture
* Place molds in freezer 10-15 mins, or until solidified. 
* Remove from molds & enjoy. 
For all my non-chocolate lovers out there this is one of my mini’s FAVORITE treats. Added bonus for this mama is that besides natures sugar you don’t need to add much to this super simple treat. 
You’ll Need: 
* 2-3 frozen bananas ( this is a great way to repurpose bananas that are too ripe. Here in hawaii we have plentiful apple bananas; which are the smaller less sweet cousins of regualr bananas, and we’re never in short supply) 
* OPTIONAL 1 TBS of Coconut Bliss Cocowhip topping
* 1-2 TBS Filtered Water
* Place peeled frozen bananas in blender. Works best with a Viatmix or Ninja Blender.
* 1-2 TBS of Filtered water and OPTIONAL Coconut Whipped topping (for added creaminess); other option sub organic whole fat cocnute milk for water and cocowhip. 
* Scoop out and enjoy right away or save by freezing. Will soften back to creamy consisteny if left in the fridge for 5-10 mins. 
This idea was spawned when my little one had a bad stomach bug and couldn’t keep anything down. I used some of my Vegan Electrolyte mix to make homemade popsicles, and little did I know created a new Mini Approved favorite treat. They are actually a family favorite as the hubby and I have them now too!! 😉 
You’ll Need: 
* 1 cup Coconut Water (we use Zico and find it at Costco) 
* 1 cup Filtered water
* 2 scoops of Ulitma (also found at whole foods) OR 1 scoop of Hydrate (both are electrolye mixes that use stevia as a mild sweetener. Ulitma comes in multiple flavors my preferred is Grape. Hydrate is from the Beachbody Performance Line and is a Citrus Flavor. Both are delicious) 
* Mix Coconut Water, Filtered water, and scoop/s of desired electrolye mix in a water bottle & shake vigorously.
* Pour mixture into  Popsicle Molds & Freeze for several hours or overnight
This is my personal favorite. But let me be clear, when I first started my journey to a “clean” lifestyle after a 28+ years of having a typical American diet, and all the “good stuff” (sarcasm intended) & processed junk that goes with that Mother Nature’s sweet stuff just didn’t cut it for me. 
It took me doing multiple cleanses and emploring regular daily clean eating habits into my life to detoxify my system, and then an incredible thing happend. My taste buds were UN-numbed from all the abuse of processed sugar, and I was able to ENJOY what REAL sweetness tastes like!! 
It’s crazy but our bodies & taste buds get desensitized with all the processed sugar & junk that goes into foods that have NO NEED FOR IT. This is what has led to the growing numbers of childhood obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in our society. Sugar is more addictive than crack and cocaine (PROVEN) So, it’s no wonder it’s a hard habit to kick. We need to drastically reduce and or ELIMINATE PROCESSED SUGER,  and quite literally life will be much sweeter!!! 
If you need help doing a cleanse or are looking for support and recommendations of my preferred ones to do, connect with me!!! 
However, I digress…. Here are my Top Picks for how to enjoy Natures Candy
You’ll Need: 
* Fresh Washed Organic Berries (Pictured here are raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, I ALWAYS go organic for berries because they are amongst the DIRTY 30!!! I can get them for resonable prices when I buy in Bulk at Costco and that’s saying something because organic produce in Hawaii is typically a small fortune, but my and my families health is worth the investment) 
* I LOVE Fresh and Dried Mango!!!! (Be sure if you are buying dried mango and not making it yourself that you get JUST MANGO, and AVOID the sweetened and sulfered mango. Trader Joes sells both, but you want the one with no added sugar. Even better to try making your own. It’s less expensive and so much sweeter!!) 
* My version of APPLE TART 😉   All you need is 1 Granny Smith apple (Green apples have less sugar and the tart-ness pairs nicely with the other ingredietns.
* Sprinkle of Organic Cinnamon
*VERY LIGHT Drizzle of Organic Honey or Coconut Nectar (Coconut Nectar is low on the glycemic index which makes it a good option for diabetics and those looking for an alternate sweetener) 
* Slice your Granny Smith apple
* LIGHTLY drizzle no more than 1/2 tsp of Honey or Coconut Nectar over sliced apples and sprinkle with Cinnamon. 
So that’s it for now my “sweet” friends (see what I did there 😉 ) … I have lots more fun treats to share, but these are our family favorites right now. I’ll post more soon. If you liked this blog please feel free to share, and ask any questions you have in the comments below, or by using the Let’s Chat Tab, OR emailing me at
I host a Clean Eating Wellness Community online and am always interested in helping to educate and help others  who are looking to make healthy living a way of life get started. 