Hard Corps Boot-Camp Test Group Week 1 Diary

Week 1 of the Test Group is in the bag!!! Although many of the details are “top secret” 😉 I want to share as much of my experience with you as possible, so that you can come on this adventure with me.

If you have NO CLUE what I’m talking about, here’s the run down. I was selected by Beachbody to participate in a coach exclusive Test Group for Tony Horton’s newest (not yet released) program 22 Min Hard Corps. CLICK HERE for more details.

OF COARSE I jumped at the opportunity to be one of the first to try out this boot-camp inspired program created by one of my favorite trainers.

However, life has a way of tossing curve balls your way at inopportune times, and a week before our test group kicked off I reinjured my shoulder. An old partial tear became a full SLAP tear in my right shoulder (an old work injury from my lifting patients in the hospital days), but after consulting my doc and discussing how I can modify, I decided to still participate.

Part of being in the test group means that I have to be 100% dialed in for 2 months. Workouts, nutrition, and document my experience from start to finish, and share my results.

I can’t share specifics about the workouts, but can share my progress and what I’m loving so far.

So…. what about them workouts????

One of my goals is to tone up overall and feel stronger. Week one was no joke, and even though it’s only 22 mins, you’d be surprised how much punch can be packed into a short amount of time. I LOVE efficiency. I can already see and feel muscle definition and strength increasing in my upper body and core.

I’m typically a power yoga junkie, and low impact kinda girl, but I do enjoy boot-camp inspired workouts and yoga sculpt classes, so I was excited to give this program my all, and push the limits of my comfort zone.

What about the grub???

I am a Hard Corps 😉 believer in clean eating and portion control, and have been an advocate of the 80/20 method for years. But despite feeling like I came into this with a solid handle on my daily nutrition, I have make some light adjustments and WHOA…. They are making a difference.

Nutrition is HUGE in achieving results by providing your body the fuel it needs to yield the energy and endurance required.

What I love about 22 Min Hard Corps is that takes exactly those principles and provides a clear cut plan to put it all into action. The meal plan is really simple to follow, and the recipes I’ve used this far have been enjoyed by the whole family. Win- Win

What about supplements???

We were given the option of using the Beachbody Performance line during the test group. Honestly, I was hesitant in the beginning because I only ever drink ShakeO as my daily superfood supplement, but decided to give it a try because of the intensity of the program. (Go all in. Why not, right?)

I had never used it 100% prior to the test group, so this is a good experiment for me to see if and how it improves my results and how I feel. I’m using all except creatine for the duration, so I’ll keep you posted. But so far I can definitely tell that I’m not as sore as I know I should be based on the level of training I’m doing, and I am all about my energize!!!

I kickstart my day with Energize, and it gives me the boost I need to go to town on my workout. I am not one that has had a good track record with pre-workout drinks or caffeine in the past. Most make me very jittery and typically trigger my anxiety, so I mostly avoid it. But energize does none of that. I feel a “surge” that gets me going and helps me an extra oomph during my workouts. Super helpful in getting those a.m. workouts in (NOT a morning person, hand raised)

Post workout I refuel with Recover, which is chocolaty deliciousness that tastes like Ovaltine (Yummm). After dinner (when my late night munchies and sweet tooth kick in) I drink a Recharge smoothie, which helps with muscle recovery and decreases soreness. Blended up with ice, water, a little pumpkin pie spice or orange extract, it’s amazing, and definitely helps me nip my evening snacking habits in the bud.

So that’s week ONE…. I’m currently rounding out week two as I write this and will continue to keep you posted. I’m thankful to have this opportunity and to give you a glimpse into this journey. Thanks for the support and motivation you all provide. I hope you decide to join me when it launches officially, I know so many that a program like this could benefit.

If you want to be one of the first to know when it goes live and partake in my 22 Min Hard Corps Launch group the CLICK HERE
