These 3 Tips we learned & Implemented saved & strengthened our marriage. They may seem simple, but that's why they WORK

3 TIPS that Saved & Strengthened Our Marriage

Did your marriage change drastically after having kids? Mike & I had Mac (our oldest) early on in our marriage. Fun Fact…my sweet hubby has impeccable timing. He’s been deployed every single time I’ve been pregnant! HA! He’s a fan of leaving me with a parting gift All joking aside, we went through the “growing pains” & joys all new parents have as they are learning to live life in their new roles as mom & dad. However, after having Ky (our second born) we had some MAJOR growing pains. At that point we had lived apart for better part…

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Plot Twist… We’re moving to JAPAN

The Hughes Ohana is moving to Japan! This unexpected turn of events has certainly shaken things up around here!! ⁣⁣After 6 amazing years making Hawaii our home, Mike has been selected to do his XO tour & then take command of a ship in Japan. ⁣⁣ To say this news was a surprise is an understatement (more on that later). I have OH so much to share on this topic. (Which we’ve only known about for a couple weeks ) ⁣⁣But we have MASSIVE Faith that God is at the forefront of this next chapter in our lives. ⁣⁣Let’s just…

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