Breastfeeding Survival Guide: What I Wish I Would Have Known

Breastfeeding is often an afterthought. For me, breastfeeding was something I just assumed would naturally take place once baby was here. YIKES, was I in for a rude awakening! 🙂 Through my exhausted new mom haze, I had to play catch up and become a full-time student of breastfeeding. Just a few lessons learned: How to maneuver the right position to get a good latch What to do for my cracked and bleeding nipples How to manage to manage the ravenous hunger you feel when breastfeeding (preggo cravings ain’t got nothing on breastfeeding cravings!) How to manage my hefty letdown, so I didn’t…

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What to do About Overwhelm

Life, and especially motherhood, offers up plenty of opportunities for the big “O” to take the wheel. The big “O” being overwhelm! Feeling overwhelmed is both a mental and a physical experience. When we perceive an event or set of events as more than we can handle, our “fear sensor” in our brain literally activates and sounds the alarm throughout our bodies. For some this can even become so severe and trigger panic attacks or anxiety, others depression, but it’s no doubt the struggle is real! During this second pregnancy, running a home-based business, chasing after my active 5-year-old, and…

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FIT New Mama Postpartum Must Haves

Now being six months postpartum/post-C-section myself, there are some definite must-haves that made all the difference on my road to recovery. A postpartum journey is such a whirlwind of high highs and low lows (thank you, hormones!). The list below along with my daily actions has helped me get back to feeling more like myself again. Any new mama can tell you that in those first few months as you’re adapting to your new role in life as a mom (or mom of one more), between the vast change in your body and hormones and the sleep deprivation, you feel…

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Kyla’s Birth Story

It’s taken me 6 months to fully wrap my mind around Ky’s birth story and to be able to do justice to sharing the journey we took on that day in August 2017. I hope by sharing our story, I can not only share one of the most beautiful and challenging days of my life but also inspire other mamas to own the uniqueness of their birth story. Our “story” was not the idyllic one I pictured or would have written for us, but I remind myself regularly that God put us in the hands of the best people that…

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FIT Pregnancy Must-Haves

It’s been 6 months since I had our little bundle of love. You can see our Fit Pregnancy Journey HERE. I was so GRATEFUL to have had such a different experience this time around. With my first, I didn’t know what workouts to do. None of my “usuals” felt good or right, and I struggled with energy and motivation. So with this pregnancy, I was DETERMINED to do things differently. My first trimester I felt AWFUL!! I was A MESS! You can see some of my first trimester flashbacks HERE. Even on my worst days I was able to do something…

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