Oh Baby!! The month of surprises SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT

This month has been one for the record books for the Hughes Ohana.

If you’ve been following my journey we have been trying for baby #2 for a year. We have always been of the belief that it is always in God’s hands, but had began to make peace with our being a happy family of 3 instead of 4.

Fertility wasn’t an option for us, but I have made efforts to take every holistic action possible including a 3 week cleanse and detox in September that I documented here on my blog that I believe did help prepare my body,

But at the start of December another opportunity for pregnancy seemed to have been missed, with another negative pregnancy test for the 12th month in a row. But then came surprise #2 of the month… I discovered a lump in my breast, and after some discussion with my doctor made an appointment to get it checked out.

He asked that I take another pregnancy test prior to my breast work up, and much to my surprise it was positive… or “kind of” positive (long story). So I took another that was clearly positive. We followed it all up with a trip to my doc and an ultrasound and in fact… I AM PREGNANT!! YEAY!!!

But, along with baby Hughes, our doc also did confirm that he too felt  the lump in my breast. So in the first week of us receiving this amazing news…. my hubby  unexpectedly had to go out of town for work, I had to get a work up on a lump in my breast, and out of no where my right knee blew up with fluid and required me to have 50 ccs of fluid pulled off and a cortisone shot, all the WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS!! And 3 days prior to having our family and friends fly into town to stay with us for  10 days over the holidays.

To say I had an influx of emotion and my hands full is an understatement. Plus… amidst it all I started filming my new yoga series, AND was hit with all the first trimester joys of all day nausea and fatigue. (Oh how I had forgotten the joys of pregnancy) 🙂

But after a clean bill of health after my breast work up, my knee on the mend, and my hubby returning home in time for the holiday we are  THRILLED that we are able to announce that our new addition will be making their way into the world in August!!!

We finally shared our happy news with our daughter on Christmas Day (video is below) It was such an incredible moment and we know she will be an amazing big sister.

So cheers to a 2017 full of blessings and new adventures. I hope you stick around and follow the madness as it unfolds for the Hughes Ohana. We are EXCITED!! Stay Tuned!!
