Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 22 Weeks

A little late on my #BumpDate update at #22weekspregnant but it’s been a busy day. Heck it’s been a busy week. .

Today we had an ultrasound and baby girl is 1.3 pounds ⚖️, healthy, ACTIVE, GROWING, and somewhere between the size of a Papaya and Spaghetti Squash .

One week ago my hubby deployed and I think it finally only just set in for Mac and I. With no communication for 5 days it’s hard to not know where he is or how he is. Plus all the little choices I’m faced with making on a daily basis about Mac, home, baby girl that I miss running by him keep adding up. But Mac and I 

keep ourselves busy and happy

Still working out (mix of resistance, HIIT, yoga, and low impact work) just listening to my body
Food… loving ALL THE FRUIT & veggies, and my new obsession this past week is Peanut Butter Halo Top ice cream OMG and cauliflower crusted pizza, and Mac seconds both of those last two. She is loving mamas #preggocravings


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I LOVE THIS WORKOUT & MY SLIDERS!!! We got a late start on this Fine Sunday, but I almost never miss an opportunity to squeeze in a 30 min sweat and low impact work. 🙌🏼

My legs and Booty were on 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (you can also try these moves with paper plates or washcloths) tag a friend and give it a go!! .

This is one of the workouts included in my Booty Bootcamp Challenge coming up!!! Have you messaged me yet to join us?!? If not comment Tell Me More below ⬇️⬇️ I’ll be sitting down later today to send out invites and get my ladies started!!! .

And my fellow preggo mamas just cause we have growing bellies doesn’t mean we can’t keep our tush is shape 😂🍑👀 am I right?!? .

So this challenge is also suitable for you, as it will have low impact options. Just be sure you get the All clear from your provider! 😊👌🏼
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Sunday, April 2, 2017

Pump the Bump
Pumping That Bump 😂🙌🏼💪🏼 on this fine Monday #22weekspregnant using my 365 Virtual Gym!! 🙂

I’ve gotten questions about safety lifting while preggo. .

Weight training is a great way to stay fit during pregnancy, and it provides benefits after childbirth as well. BUT keep in mind that your fitness goals should now be geared toward maintenance and not dramatic gains. .

Take these precautions: .

• Check in with your healthcare provider. Go over your exercise regimen with your doctor or midwife first to make sure it’s okay for you to continue at your current pace while you’re pregnant. .

• Use lighter weights, more reps. To avoid overloading joints already loosened by increased levels of the hormone relaxin during pregnancy, use lighter weights and do more repetitions instead. If you usually do leg presses with 30 pounds for 8 to 12 repetitions, try 15 pounds for 15 to 20 reps.

• Don’t do the Valsalva (Bear Down) maneuver. This maneuver, in which you forcefully exhale without actually releasing air, can result in a rapid increase in blood pressure and intra-abdominal pressure, and may reduce oxygen flow to the fetus. . • Be extremely careful with free weights to prevent them from hitting your abdomen. Or use resistance bands instead, which offer different amounts of resistance and varied ways to do your weight training with no risk to your belly.

• Don’t lift while flat on your back. After the first trimester, lying on your back can put pressure on a major vein called the vena cava, diminishing blood flow to your brain and uterus. An easy modification is to tilt the bench to an incline. .

• Listen to your body. The most important rule is to pay attention to what’s going on physically. If you’re feeling muscle strain or excessive fatigue, modify the moves you’re doing and/or reduce the frequency of your workouts. Pregnancy isn’t the time to push yourself to your limits 😊🙌🏼
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Monday, April 3, 2017

Mamas got goals!!
Well that was fun!! 🙌🏼 Nothing like an accelerator workout to get my little preggo heart and butt going and ready to tackle Bump Day. .

When I was preggars with Mac I was lucky to find the time to get to the yoga studio or gym juggling working full time nights in the ICU and life, now I have Mac, run a business, and life has not slowed down, but I workout daily because I have the availability to do them from home whenever works best for my schedule. .

Don’t get me wrong, if I can make it happen I still love to get to hit the studio or out to paddle board Hike, etc. but those are what I consider extra lifestyle activities now, and these workouts have become my sanity saving grace and daily staple, and I’ve gotten in better shape with them than I ever was with trainers, gym memberships, & group x classes, because for me and most of us it’s about consistency. .

And if I can’t make it somewhere for the day I don’t want that to mean no workout at all!! .

My next challenge kicks off next week!! Have you connected with me to grab your spot yet. 30 min workouts, available all online & via the app, my coaching, meal plans, recipes, and more community support!! All Levels!! And this month we’ll be dialing our focus in on the BOO-TAY!! 🙌🏼🍑👀😳 Cause…. Summer Swim Suit Goals 😊😘


Comment Tell Me More Below for details! 🙌🏼 #22weekspregnant #pregnantnotpowerless
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Pregnancy HIIT with Modifications
Working out pregnant is a journey FOR SURE! Things you’re able to do one week may feel completely different the next. .

I’m sure to honor my changing body at every step and that means that at #22weekspregnant I’m modifying A LOT, but yes still doing HIIT work, mixed in with resistance training, low impact, and yoga. All workouts I can do from home, all 30 mins or less, All with modifier options like the ones I show here. .

I will often hear “I’ll wait till after” to workout and eat right. And for some who have specific conditions this is safer, but for most activity is healthy and encouraged. You should always talk to your provider and pick the activities that are best for you. .

For myself and the level of fitness I was pre-pregnancy I’m still completely comfortable with the balance I’ve found. .

I am kicking off and ALL LEVELS 3 week group NEXT WEEK, and tomorrow is the LAST DAY to join this group, .

The focus will be lower body, lower impact, and Toning Yo Tush!!! If you want to snag one of my remaining spots, have me as your guide through the entire three weeks, and even take advantage of my clean eating tools and resources comment below “Tell Me More” and I’ll get you set up!! .

If energy has been a struggle I FEEL YOU!! But there are things you can do to naturally boost them and find he right time of day to be active, and I’m all about sharing what’s working for me!! Let’s do this 🙌🏼
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Friday, April 7, 2017
