Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 21 weeks

#21weekspregnant Bump and Baby Update. . .

It’s been a BIG week for us, and I’m not just referencing the ever expanding size of this Bebe Bump 😳🤰🏼😂 .

Per the growth charts Baby Girl 🎀 is the size of a pomegranate or a carrot…. WTH?!? 😂Those aren’t even nearly the same size, and I had neither on hand, so along with motherhood and my eyeliner I’m “winging it” and saying she’s approximately the size of an artichoke 😊, which conveniently I have on 

hand (score!) 😂 .

This past week has been super busy and little miss played along allowing mommy to have some extra energy, so I could help get her daddy ready for #deployment. This babe and I, along with her big sister are officially flying solo from now till her delivery, when hopefully 🤞🏼 Daddy will get to return in time for her Big Day!!

We also started using our Big Sister’s #BabyPlus this week. I showed what this cool prenatal educational tool is all about in my IG stories yesterday, but essentially twice daily I use the baby plus to play the babe a series of evolving simple rhythmic beats and tones that help with early development of milestones, attention span, and cognition.

I can attest that BIG Sister Mac has always been ahead in these areas, so of course I’m using it again for this babe.

I’m still working out 5-6 times a week with an active recovery day of hiking or paddle boarding 🙌🏼 Hubs got me a cool trolley to transport my 11’6 paddle board while he’s away, so I can keep getting out on the water YEAY!! .

Food has been different this week. I’m back to not wanting ANY MEAT 🚫🐓🦃🐷🐮🐟 I swear this child is going to be vegan vegetarian, which I’m actually more than totally okay with. Daddy on the other hand may have issues 😂 (North Carolina Boy, ha!) .

We are optimistic for this next chapter and are viewing this second 1/2 of the pregnancy as our extended “girls time” while daddy is away. .

Now… is it just me or do you not think it’s crazy that 2 fetal growth charts said that pomegranates and A full size carrot were the same size?!? 😳whaaaaaaaaa?!? 😂😂😂😂


Bust Your Funk! 🙂
When you’re #21weekspregnant & up before the sun to see your hubby off for deployment, there is no better way to get out of your funk & back in the game so you can still rock your day, than to work up a sweat 💦 and get those endorphins flowing!! 💪🏼🙌🏼 .

Life is a series of choices… mine will always be to try and see the best in people and situations, and do what I can to be a positive force for good. .

That energy has to start with me, and the surest way to get there is to work on my mindset and keep myself healthy and active. From there, it’s my mission to help others do the same!! .

My next group kicks off NEXT WEEK!! Where ever you find yourself in your journey, you can go further and be better. My groups are geared toward helping you do just that! .

If you want to join me comment “tell me more” in the comments below ⬇️ and we’ll connect today!! 🙂 .

This is one of the many workouts available on the virtual gym that we use as a tool. ISO strength!! Only 20 mins and I was off to take my little one to preschool. Try a few of these moves or come join me for more variety!!!
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Tuesday, March 28, 2017

That sweet feeling that comes from doing the thing that seemed impossible before you just DID IT ANYWAY 😁🙌🏼. #21weekspregnant & #pregnantnotpowerless 🙌🏼 .

Here’s the thing, just because I am a health coach, and have made healthy living a habit/lifestyle doesn’t mean there aren’t day’s I’m challenged to find the time, motivation, energy, or a million excuses why I can’t or “deserve” a day off. .

My body is a reflection of my lifestyle, and how I treat it not only determines the outcome of my day, but also right now the health of my growing babe. So when I hear these thoughts creeping in I’m quick to SHUT THEM DOWN, and do the damn thing! .

This workout here took 30 mins! I showed you both the higher and lower impact options that make it something anyone at any level can do, because at 21 weeks preggars I can’t go full out the whole way and THATS OKAY!! .

I squeezed it in, just before waking up my daughter to drive her to school, and before the chaos of my day gave me too many distractions to not get it done!! .

We can do hard things!!! The key is training your mind to see all that your gaining instead of what’s getting in your way or what you feel you’re having to give up to get the result you’re after! Where our focus goes, our energy flows. If you give your energy to your excuses you’ll only come up with MORE OF THEM!! .

We all need support and accountability, and the right tools, so if this sounds like you and you’re ready, I’ve got a great group kicking off next week. Let’s connect! .

Workouts, Meal Plans, App & Online based community support, and me as your coach!! Comment “tell me more” below and I’ll connect with you today!!
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Thursday, March 30, 2017

About dem booty goals!!!
#21weekspregnant and this mama has still got Booty Goals 😂🍑👀 Haha!! .

I’m not looking to have ripped abs or be able to run a marathon here. I AM looking to have ENERGY, feel healthy, strong, take THE BEST care of myself & growing babe I can by staying active and eating clean Whole Foods. AND keep my Booty Lifted and in shape!! 🙌🏼 .

Hey I’m just keeping it real, cause if everything else is gonna get taken over by this babe, mama is gonna do her best to keep my butt is shape (literally and figuratively 🤣) .

And thats exactly what my next challenge will be geared toward!!! .

I’m doing a super fun group with all THE BEST Booty workouts (like this one) and the beauty is that when you work the lower body and bigger muscle groups you feel the effects all over. Hello metabolism boost and full body fat burning. .

This challenge will be for everyone, not just my fellow expectant mamas, so if you’re ready to literally get your butt ready for summer let’s do it together!!! .

Comment below “tell me more” if you want to join me and Tag a friend to join you, it’s always more fun with a friend 👯
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Friday, March 31, 2017

Jiggles 😂, Jumps, and Smooches 😘💋to kick off our Saturday. 😄 .

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts were something I for sure “put on hold” in my first trimester, but once the energy started coming back and nausea started going away I added them back in. .

I DO NOT go all out the whole time, you’ll see I modify most of the moves after doing a few full out, but I am setting a pace that works for me at #21weekspregnant almost 22. .

I’ve gotten questions about safety working out preggars. Here are a few good rules of thumb…. .

• Keep your intensity at a level where you can carry on a conversation without feeling out of breath.

• Reduce your exercise intensity or take a break if you start to feel out of breath, exhausted, or dizzy. (This is why I switch between high and lower intensity moves and modify) .

• Modify your exercise routine as your pregnancy progresses. Remember that a growing baby adds weight to your body. So as you move through pregnancy, it’s as if you’re carrying a backpack that gets heavier each week. Whatever you’re doing when you’re 10 weeks pregnant will feel much harder at 30 weeks because you have to support more weight.

• Don’t start hot yoga or high intensity work if it’s not something you were preconditioned to prior to pregnancy. Start with something more moderate and low impact.

• Listen to your body and discuss your exercise routine with your healthcare provider !!! If you ever experience any discomfort, pain, or extreme exhaustion stop and discuss it with your provider
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Saturday, April 1, 2017
