Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 24 Weeks

It’s that time!!! 24weekspregnant bumpdate 🙌🏼
Baby girl is the size of a cantaloupe or ear of corn (again with the wildly different comparisons ha) .

I can FEEL the difference and that she’s GROWING!! Come the end of the day my low back needs some MAJOR love. Really missing Mike as Mac is only content to give mama a back rub for approximately 5 seconds Finding that some 

foam rolling and gentle yoga at night helps ALOT. .

Another fun fact I learned this week. Did you know that with some pregnancies you can increased “secretions” due to high estrogen?!? . I have had a chronic runny/stuffy nose and cough. NOT sick, no fever, but the snot just pours out of me (sorry for the TMI) .

With my 1st pregnancy I had inflammation (horrible heartburn and inflamed gums) but with this babe no inflammation but the opposite. In Ayurveda (sister science of yoga) they believe and treat the elements (fire, water, wind) that are dominate or imbalanced within us. These are our Doshas. When you’re fiery it’s more Pitta imbalance, and increased secretions or water retention means water or more Kapha imbalance.

It’s a fascinating science that shows you how as individuals we are either in balance or imbalance with our bodies & environment and the different seasons. Has me wondering if this little one will be more Kapha where her sister is more Pitta. Food for thought.

Have you experienced chronic runny nose with your pregnancies? Or did/do you have more of the heartburn type symptoms? Or are you blessed with it all???


Got 15 Minutes?!?

15 minutes!!! ⏰ .

Now let's be real… you spend at least that amount of time scrolling FB or IG throughout the day if not more!! .

Well that's the exact amount of time this workout took me. My legs were torched, I got in a solid sweat, and I didn't have to travel anywhere to do it, have tons of equipment, or even carve out an entire hour to make it happen. Plus I'm #24weekspregnant ❗️❗️❗️ .

What I did need was to rally my motivation to DO IT, my online library of amazing workouts of all types to choose from, 1 fifteen pound weight, and to invest 15 mins of my day into ME. .

The pay off…. feeling stronger, more confident, and just better for the rest of the day 🙌🏼 .

Of coarse somedays I double the amount of time (gasp 😱) and do a full 30 mins 😊, I know I'm a rebel right?!? 😂, but on days like today something is better than nothing!! .

It's your turn!!! What will you do with your 15 today?!? Wanna join me for some workouts?!? Comment Tell Me More below for deets about my virtual wellness studio!!!

P.S….. I'm out of FB video jail 🙌🏼😄🤣

And I'm not pressing luck, so I removed all sound from the video just in case 😳 just in case you frequently post vids, beware of the video picking up ANY background music. Apprentlylu even if you don't intentionally "add it in" your video will be flagged and you'll be blocked 😓

Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Thursday, April 20, 2017

Got 10 mins?!? Of coarse you do!!! Welp… That's what this workout was. 10 mins!!! This sequence is one I'll bust out on my busiest days to make sure I get something in. .

And is just one of the 100s I on my digital gym and BONUS…. many are 30 mins or less and SUPER preggo friendly 🙂 🤰🏼🙌🏼 Gotta love efficiency and pumping that bump! .

My next round of my wellness challenge kicks off at the top of the month. Drop your email for more info, or just comment "interested" and I'll connect with you today. 🙌🏼

Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Monday, April 24, 2017

Bumps, Belly Bands, & Barre Work!!

With this second pregnancy I've noticed A LOT more low back and round ligament discomfort 😳😫My doc says this increases with each pregnancy . (Yeay🙌🏼, sarcasm implied 😂) .

So I'm EXTREMELY grateful to have this amazing belly support band from @baobeimaternity. .

I threw it on for today's amazing Barre routine one of the 100s of workouts in my Digital Wellness studio, and it felt WORLD'S better! SIDENOTE… Have you joined my online wellness studio so we can work together yet?!? 😜🤔😘 .

Some interesting info about Belly Support Bands from my research & experience … .

1. They help decrease Back and joint and SI joint pain during pregnancy ( SI joint pain frequently occurs during pregnancy as a result of the increase of relaxin, a hormone that causes the hip joints to become loose and less stable)
It’s a sharp and sometimes excruciating pain in the lower back adjacent to the tailbone. Belly bands and braces that support this region help stabilize the joint, which may prevent pain during activities. .

2. Belly bands provide GENTLE compression during activities.Ever go for a run without a sports bra? Sounds awful, right? The same principle applies to a growing baby bump. NOTE: Too much compression on the abdomen can impair circulation, and it can cause negative effects on blood pressure. It can also contribute to heartburn and indigestion. .

3. They provide external cues for posture, By supporting the lower back and torso, they encourage correct posture and prevent overextension of the lower back .

4. They can be worn after pregnancy for support. Decreased core strength is common in the weeks following birth. Many women find that wearing a belly band postpartum provides additional support to the abdomen and lower back, decreasing discomfort. .

Important FYI…
• Only wear a belly band or support garment for no more than two to three hours at a time to prevent over dependency. • Exercises to strengthen the transverse abdominis (TA) should be done in combination with the use of a belly band to strengthen the core muscles both during and after pregnancy.
• Always consult your doctor before using any compression garments.

Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Mamas who "kick" butt 😉

Who loves a good Cardio Kick MMA inspired workout?!? I know I do!! 🤚🏼🙋🏼This one is appropriately named Kick Butt, and that's EXACTLY what it did this a.m., LOVE IT!! .

Again just another of the 400+ workouts on my streaming virtual gym… think Netflix of Fitness that you can stream anywhere. All levels, plus when you get it as part of the spring into health special you get access to me and my coaching, meal plans, recipes, group support, my app, and so much more FOR THE WHOLE YEAR!! 😊. .

I don't "just" hook you up with workouts, We work on nutrition and mindset two of the most important components for OVERALL health!! .

No 2 bodies are the same, so no 2 fitness or nutrition plans should be either. We explore what I know works for a variety of people and you find what that is for you. .

Wanna spot in my May group?!? I still have a few left!! Comment "interested" below or drop your email in the comments and I'll connect with you today!! .

Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Wednesday, April 26, 2017
