Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 32 Weeks

Bump Day!!! 🤰🏼 #32weekspregnant  and Ky is now the size of jicama?!?  (according to these fun growth comparison charts) But I assure you she FEELS much bigger than that and my little monkey loves making it known where her feet and hands are at all times (I think she’s going for her black belt in there).

All kidding aside, I wanted to tackle a bit of a more “heavy” topic for today’s post.

This is a topic that hits a VERY personal chord with me, because it’s something I’ve struggled with for a LONG time, and used to cause me a lot of damage. 

Body image. This isn’t just something that expecting mamas deal with or that is new to me because I’m preggers.

In my late teens/early 20s I struggled with an eating disorder and body image issues. You see me sharing openly my pregnancy today, but when I was pregnant with my first, I had only begun to scratch the surface of my recovery and all the changes I experience combined with the fact that our first was a surprise sent me into a tailspin.

There are hardly ANY pics of me pregnant with Mac (except for posed and edited professional ones), which looking back makes me sad. But it points to my reality at that time. I felt gross, tired, squishy, sick, & like I was having an out-of-body experience DAILY. Can you relate?

My hubby asked me the other day in one of our brief conversations (he’s currently deployed) what has made the biggest difference his time around, and hands down I told him, it was the fact that in the past 5 years I’ve been working on my mindset AS MUCH AS my physical health.

In truth, I was actually “thinner” prior to my 1st pregnancy that I was with my second. I taught and practiced yoga daily and ate clean, but when I got pregnant I gained 20 pounds in the 1st trimester and that affected me A LOT!

With this second pregnancy, I went into it healthy and strong, not just in body but in mind, and I’ve had a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE! I am energetic, have embraced even the hiccups and hard stuff with more positivity, grace, and appreciation for my body and what it’s doing. See I’m not “naturally” some positive, no worries kind of person, I can actually be quite intense. 😉 But it’s a good thing we are teachable!

As a coach, I can tell you MINDSET is the piece that is MOST neglected. After all… what does it matter if you have a ripped or thin physique if you are unhappy with who you are? 

Because I can tell you that although your mindset might change a bit by getting into good physical shape, you won’t keep those results unless you spend as much time reshaping your mindset from the beginning and working as hard on that as you do your nutrition and fitness!

In other words, you can’t go uphill with downhill habits, friends!

I bring this up because I see so many women struggle with body image, and while it’s all well and good to say that what you “look like” doesn’t matter, the fact is that how we talk to ourselves, and how we treat ourselves MATTERS. AND if you are REALLY taking care of your insides, they will match your outsides. But the reverse isn’t necessarily true. 

Many women can look fit on the outside but have gotten there in a completely unhealthy way or are miserable on the inside.

A passion point for me is helping more women embrace an inside-out approach to their health. 

Fueling themselves with mindset work, supercharged dense nutrition that is right for THEM (because it’s different for all of us), positive connections with other women who also want to have energy and be their healthiest selves, and ALSO getting to reap the benefits of the physical results because they have done the work and not just settled for a quick fix that will inevitably reverse itself, but create REAL, LASTING, HEALTHY CHANGE! 

So if you’ve been searching for the place to start… start with the way you THINK about yourself and this journey you keep saying you want to embark on. 

I obviously am passionate about this topic and have groups I personally coach about mindset, nutrition, and fitness (all online and available I anyone willing and ready to do the work).

But there are also other resources that I encourage you to look into NOW. I included one of my favorite videos below, but I’m always happy to make suggestions of books, podcasts, audiobooks, full-length programs, and seminars that have helped me IMMENSELY. 

Because part of my mission is taking things that were once my struggles and helping others avoid or get out of that same place I found myself stuck and hurting in for YEARS so that you can fully enjoy life and those around you!

If you ever want to learn more, work with me, or just connect I’m an open book and welcome the interaction, so CONNECT WITH ME HERE or on Facebook or shoot me an email @ 

Regardless, I hope this inspires and empowers you not just look at your health as a physical result but as something that starts on the inside with how you think and feel about yourself!

To all my expectant mamas… I also have a special group just for you at this phase in your life and I speak more to the issues of pregnancy and recovery afterward. If you want to join me for that please CLICK HERE to get your FREE Pregnancy Health Assessment and we’ll connect one on one.

I ALSO INCLUDED BELOW A SAMPLING OF WORKOUTS FROM WEEK 32 OF MY PREGNANCY. I document them each week so that you can see what I’m doing to stay active and I welcome you to join me. Start by taking my FREE PREGNANCY HEALTH ASSESSMENT HERE


Make it count
#32weekspregnant with #baby2 & few things are becoming clear… .

1. This mama is slowing down friends, but I’m still moving my body and am grateful for that! My intent with this pregnancy has been to stay active and healthy, but to also honor what my body needs. And a shift is occurring and I’m paying attention. Listening to the new sensations and modifying and adjusting, while remaining active. .


2. That if I was to wait for “Undisturbed” mommy time to workout IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN 😂 and with a newborn on the way, that reality won’t be changing anytime soon. .

All that to say, we each have our challenges and obstacles to overcome to make healthy choices, & workouts a priority. But if you DECIDE it’s important to you, you are flexible and determined on finding ways to make it happen for you, it is possible & you will get it done! 🙌🏼 .

Somedays it may be modified, somedays the workouts may be shorter or less intense, but if you’re trying, if you’re putting in the effort, you are lapping those that never give themselves the opportunity to try and succumb to their excuses!! .

So keep going!!! And if you need help getting started or finding a new way let’s connect. .

I have my next virtual wellness group, with access to over 400+ workouts from home and my coaching, meal plans and more starting soon and my free health assessment linked in the comments below if you want to get yours and learn more. .

Available in US and Canada only… (for now 😉)
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes on Monday, June 12, 2017

#PregnantNotPowerless 🙌🏼 .

Still moving and shaking over here at #32weekspregnant and I’m on Day 2 of a fun exclusive challenge with those in my virtual wellness studio! .

Here’s a little sneak peek of what day 1’s workout looked like. .

Modifying is where it’s at, especially this far along. .

I do love HIIT work, but with this big ‘ole belly 😜😂😊😘 I’m listening to and honoring where I’m at, and making changes accordingly. .

I’m super thankful for all the modified options, so I can keep moving and feeling good. .

There’s still time to jump in and join me for this fun 2 week challenge FOR FREE!! Not only for preggo mamas, these workouts will kick you’re Booty no matter who you are!! 😊 Drop your favorite emoji below and I’ll send you a link to try them out!! (US and Canada Only)
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes Fitness & Health Coaching on Tuesday, June 13, 2017

On Day 3 of a fun challenge I’m doing with a group of ladies, and today’s workout was one of my FAVORITES of the new releases!! AND… There is still time to JOIN ME!!! .

I’m modifying A LOT at #32weekspregnant but am Soooo thankful to still be moving and shaking and to have the energy to do so! .

I shared a very REAL blog today (see previous post and link in my bio) about Body Image, not for just us Expectant mamas, but women in general and how along my journey I’ve been at two VERY different ends of the Body Image spectrum, and know the work it takes to undergo this journey in a healthy way. .

I think it’s important to embrace each of our unique stories, journey, and body types, and know that it’s OKAY to love ourselves while simultaneously working to improve and GROW as people and in our health! .

If you’re interested in hopping into a free group of mine to try out some of these workouts OR if you need support for the JOURNEY I’d love to chat with you and welcome you to take my Free Health Assessment linked in my comments below!! .

It really boils down to when are you gonna decide to become your own Fit-Spo and healthiest version of you!?!
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes Fitness & Health Coaching on Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Well it’s official, I’m opening up round 2 of my Rockin Your Bump Group. The feedback from round 1 has been so great, and I love the energy of having some incredible Mamas-to-be that are committed to having healthy active pregnancies all together in one group 🙌🏼 .

There are so many ups and downs to navigate during pregnancy, it’s amazing to have a community of women who are sharing not just the struggles but the successes, what’s working, and best tips for throughout each stage & after. .

I provide access to workouts (if that’s something you are cleared to do), and as you can see in this video I’m #32weekspregnant & there are plenty of modifications to make them prenatal friendly. .

We also tackle craving tamers, nutrition, supplements, more healthful ways to approach pregnancy as a whole, and more!! .

If you want to join me fill out the Free Pregnancy Assessment Linked in the comments below, and I’ll connect with you TODAY so you can get started with us ASAP!!

Posted by Jaclyn Hughes Fitness & Health Coaching on Friday, June 16, 2017


Definitely got my #Sweatingfortwo in today. I’ll be #33weekspregnant mañana 🙌🏼 & I’ve started transitioning back into more resistance training, instead of the cardio HIIT work that felt good through most of my second trimester. .

I get asked regularly about “safe” pregnancy workouts, and the truth is that while some moves should be avoided, EVERYONE is so different in their bodies, where they were prior to pregnancy, and how their body responds to pregnancy, that the best advice is to PAY ATTENTION to the cues YOUR body gives. .

I take into account each shift in my body at each stage, & what it’s responding too, and feels good doing. .

That being said for most (unless otherwise prescribed by a trusted doc/provider) activity and working out during pregnancy is a GOOD thing!! .

Not only when you’re preggars and growing a baby, but at all stages. That’s why that as part of my online virtual nwellness studio I help match you up and coach you though over 400+ different kinds of workouts (every level imaginable) that you can do from ANYWHERE no matter what you have going on in your body, your fitness level beginning to advanced, there is something FOR EVERYONE! .

My next group (just for Expectant mamas) kicks off this coming week, and there are still a few spots to join me. Are you ready!!? .

For more info use the link in the comments below or comment interested below and I’ll get in touch with you taking part in my Rockin Your Bump Group or Virtual Wellness Studio (Only available in Us & Canada at this time) 🙌🏼

Posted by Jaclyn Hughes Fitness & Health Coaching on Saturday, June 17, 2017
