My first 18 months as a coach

It recently hit me the other day…. I’m about to celebrate my 2-year coaching anniversary!!!! Taking a look back from where “I” started, and seeing how far “we” have come as a team, it’s been an incredible journey. A few highlights…

• I have invested in and regained a sense of self and contribution, attained better health & more happiness than ever before.
• I have assisted in paying off ALL our family debt including cars.
• I can treat my hubby & family to vacations, and “extras” we wouldn’t have otherwise had.
• I have been present for nearly EVERYDAY of our daughters life (especially important with a deployed spouse)
• I have built a business on it’s way to 6 figures annually from my dining room table
• I have traveled to Grand Cayman, Cozumel, Jamaica, Cancun, Costa Rica, Nashville, California, and Vegas on trips earned by doing something I love.

• I have HELPED others find their way back to health, AND mentored an ELITE top 100 team that is now helping to pay forward their experience to others.

Together we have created a ripple effect of positivity, a commitment to health and wellness, and a way to build something of our very own, with a heart of service to others.

I share this, because maybe you’re exactly where I was 2 years ago, and unless I share my journey, you’ll never know that it’s all in YOUR hands, and that YOU can do this to!!

We do this because we love it, we do this because we get to make a difference, and we do this because we’re building better lives for ourselves in the process. This is what #TeamVivaVida  #TheGoodVibeTribe is all about.

Are you ready to commit to your journey to healthy living? Are you ready to become part of our incredible Viva Vida Family? Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of others and make waves in your own?

I had no business expertise when I started, I only had a desire to learn and a fire in my belly that told me I was meant to do MORE!!

If you do too, apply to my next mentorship by clicking HERE

** and… to keep legal happy  ðŸ˜‰  Beachbody ® does not guarantee any level of success or income. Each coach’s income depends on his or her efforts, diligence, and skill.
