NO ONE Lives Exclusively in their Highlight Reel

{Real Talk}
“Your life looks fun, I could never do what you do” 
This is seriously something that I’ve been told A LOT lately, which has prompted me to give you a glimpse into a no BS look at my reality and say “Oh, but YOU can!!”

 I’ll be the first to say that I am very grateful for the blessings I have in my life (family, home, nutritions food, etc), and agree my life IS fun… But, also want to point out that what we typically see on social media for display are people’s “highlight” reel.

They mostly display the “best” parts of their life… devoid of their insecurities, shortcomings, and hardships. When behind the scenes it’s taken lots of blood, sweat, tears, and serious amounts of personal development (this kid) to get to where they are. 
This week alone… I landed in the ER for stitches, a nerve block, tetanus shot, and antibiotics. I came home to a little one with a temp barfing her guts up, and a husband who has essentially had to live aboard his ship all week. And this is just “this” week. 
HOWEVER, I refuse to dwell on excuses!! Which is a choice. 
Turns out you really don’t need your second to last toe to get in a kick butt workout. Thank you Barre Legs and Flat Ab Fix. 😉 
And thanks to being able to work from home I didn’t miss a beat coaching, while my little one was curled up on my lap napping. 
There was a point in my life that I would have just considered this week a loss, and surrendered to lounging on the couch a “victim” of my circumstances, but that’s not how I “choose” to live anymore. I decide!! 
It’s not luck, it’s not good fortune. I have crap-tastic days too. NO ones life is perfect. BUT… it’s all about how we handle what life serves up that makes the difference. 
Don’t get caught up watching someone else highlight reel, “thinking” I could never”. 
Instead get busy choosing to live your own. Create opportunities for yourself by looking at things differently.  
Surround yourself with people who are living life the way you want to live, and be ready to work on YOU harder than you’ve ever worked on anything. So that you can GROW into the type of person capable of achieving your dreams. This is the ‪#‎TeamVivaVida‬  ‪#‎GoodVibeTribe‬ way to #‎BeChange‬ and give ‪#‎NoExcuses‬ 
We focus on LIVING life healthy, fit, and inspired. Paying forward what we learn through our experiences, and helping others start their journey’s to better health, fitness, and overall wellness. If this sounds like a community that you would Thrive in connect with me by filling out the application linked below. 

1 Comment

  1. October 23, 2016 / 10:47 pm

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