Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 36 Weeks

WOW…. what a week!

Baby Ky as of this morning’s check-up is measuring BIG. Like 6 pounds 5 ounces big. 😳 And is measuring somewhere between the size of a head of romaine lettuce and a Ukelele. 😂

Which has meant A LOT more pressure on mamas hindquarters and pelvis 😫, so it’s been LOW impact workouts, swimming, and yoga ONLY.

Especially with ALL we have had going on in life.

First, Nana (my mom) headed back home and my grandfather unexpectedly passed away over the weekend. On Monday, I thought I was starting to have back labor and scurried around like a madwoman getting my hospital bag packed, the nursery finished, tying up loose ends of projects, and praying that baby girl was gonna hang on for a few more weeks.

But all of this has made me SUPER grateful that she and I are both healthy.

My sweet hubs took a day off work yesterday to help me get things in order, and after our check-up this morning and learning baby girl is still breech, we have decided to NOT do a forced version/flip, and instead wait on her to either try and flip herself OR wait for labor and go in for a C-section at that time.

Definitely not my first choice, but we also want to do what’s safest for baby and mama, and my mama intuition is saying that she will do it when she’s ready.

Several mornings, I’ve woken up to her being transverse, so I’m remaining optimistic that she’s doing her part to make the “move”

This week I was supposed to be at an amazing event in NOLA that normally I’d be having TONS of FOMO about not attending, but given what’s happened this week I know I’m EXACTLY where I need to be, and am thankful that my hubby is home, my incredible daughter is with me each day being my big helper, and that any day Miss Ky will be joining us. 😊💞


There are no words that can express the gratitude I have for this little one right here.

This past week ALL the third trimester feels have set in, along with LOTS-O-LIFE being dished up, and she has been such a trooper. Wanting to be at my side and help with whatever she can, and even joining me for workouts 🙌🏼 Today she even picked out which one we did 😊💞 .

This week we are keeping things ESPECIALLY low Impact since this mamas pelvic and back pressure have been intense 😳 Hello #36weekspregnant .

But oddly enough when I’m moving is when it feels best, so I MOVE. .

Lots of questions roll in abut “what’s’ safe” to do while preggars as far as workouts. And since each person comes into pregnancy at different levels of fitness AND each body responds differently to pregnancy there is no ONE answer to that question. .

The best rule of thumb is to listen to the cues of your body, don’t get yourself to the point of being out of breath, and always clear it with your provider first!! .

That being said I’ve had such great success with feeling healthy and strong this pregnancy even as I approach my last few weeks. If you want to have access to all my pregnancy workouts, custom calendars and even be supported by me as your coach with my meal plans, guides, recipes and more complete my pregnancy health assessment (use link in comments below) and I’ll connect with you!! . ** Only available to stream in US and Canada (for now)** but I’d love to help other mamas feel healthy and energetic as they embrace this super special journey in life!!

I had an energy burst this past week. Which has been great to get the lasts of baby prep in before we hit the #37weekspregnant mark tomorrow 🙌🏼 .

So this a.m. It was 10 mins of lower body followed by my weekly 75 min Saturday Yoga class 😊 .

And although I’m having more pelvic and sciatic/round ligament pain in these late stages being active has helped me immensely. .

Lots of questions roll in about “what’s’ safe” to do while preggars as far as workouts. And since each person comes into pregnancy at different levels of fitness AND each body responds differently to pregnancy there is no ONE answer to that question. .

The best rule of thumb is to listen to the cues of your body, don’t get yourself to the point of being out of breath, and always clear it with your provider first!! .

That being said I’ve had such great success with feeling healthy and strong this pregnancy even as I approach my last few weeks. If you want to have access to all my pregnancy workouts, custom calendars and even be supported by me as your coach with my meal plans, guides, recipes and more complete my pregnancy health assessment (linked in comments below) and I’ll connect with you!! .

** Only available to stream in US and Canada (for now)**

but I’d love to help other mamas feel healthy and energetic as they embrace this super special journey in life!!
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes Fitness & Health Coaching on Saturday, July 15, 2017

Modifications are where it’s at, but even modified these workouts have kept me moving. .

Especially with this extra 6 pound bundle I’m toting at #37weekspregnant In my midsection 🤰🏼😂 .

This is what you call built in resistance work 🙌🏼 .

I’m so exited to help this next round of Expectant mamas find the workouts that will help them have a healthy active pregnancy and be a support to them in my Rockin Your Bump Group, as they embark on their journey and even transition into postpartum where we really get to start having some fun 😊💞 .

I’m thankful to have gotten to experience what a difference it makes to have a healthy, active, and strong pregnancy this go around and love sharing what’s working to help other mamas and mamas to be! .

If you want to have access to all my pregnancy workouts, custom calendars and even be supported by me as your coach with my meal plans, guides, recipes and more complete my pregnancy health assessment (linked in comments below) and I’ll connect with you!! . *

** Only available to stream in US and Canada (for now)**

but I’d love to help other mamas feel healthy and energetic as they embrace this super special journey in life!!


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