Pregnancy Journal & Bump Date: 35 Weeks

Wednesday is “BUMP day” for this crew and at #35weekspregnant Nana (my mom) joined Mac and me for an appointment today to see what Miss Ky has been up to.

Baby girl is 5 pounds 1 ounce, and approximately the size of a Honey Dew Melon. 🍈

She is still breech, but we are maintaining our optimism and believing that if she’s anything like her mama, this little lady does things in her own time and NOT a moment before. 😊 Plus, if she’s half as stubborn as her daddy and I combined, I know not to rush her agenda. 😂

I have been seeing an awesome chiropractor this past week that has helped SOOOOOOO much with my low back/hip/pelvic pain, and after our first couple sessions I noticed Ky moved more from straight up and down to transverse then back up, so hopefully that indicates we’re “moving” in the right direction.

I’m up with my daily workouts but have definitely been slowing down with my usual outdoor adventures. Hikes have become walks and paddle boarding isn’t as frequent but still in the mix, and swimming in the ocean feels amazing! Saltwater heals all. 😊

The limited space in my midsection means that my appetite is LOW, but I’m getting my daily superfoods which SAVES ME and my sweet tooth, and I’m loving FRUIT (nectarines, ALL the berries, and mango). Lots of “lite” meals around here. Like my favorite deconstructed shrimp burrito bowls made with tomatillo shrimp, riced cauliflower, avocado/lime mix.

I share more about what and how to prepare our meals in my Rockin Your Bump Group along with weekly meal plans in my Wellness Page and I’d love to have you join us! Just connect WITH ME HERE for the details!


Pregnancy simulation challenge with my main squeeze 😂 .

We strapped an 8 lb ball to Mike and did a few moves that are frequently part of my daily workouts these days.

It was hilarious, but I think he rocked it, and for sure has a new appreciation for what us mamas are working with (and around) to stay active durning pregnancy 😂 .

Having an active pregnancy has been a blessing AND a massive growth/humbling experience. DAILY your body changes in how it feels and what it can do. .

Having access to the right workouts has been HUGE, but also the support of my community online of other mamas/mamas-to-be who are also Rockin Their Bumps as part of my Fitness/Nutrition/Mindset Group, along with this man has given me the extra Oomph I need to make this way of living a non negotiable. .

No doubt I’m one lucky lady to have found a man who will embrace all my shenanigans. 😂😘😊 .

Because of the holiday I extended entry to my Rockin Your Bump Group for July as well as my amazing 365 Wellness Group. If you want to join us for access to over 400+ workouts, nutritional support (meal plans, recipes, more) plus take part in an incredible community of others committed to LIVING active healthy lives/ having a healthy active pregnancy, comment for details or use the link in the comments below to complete your free health assessment and then check your inbox to chat with me 1:1, so we can get you going!! 🙌🏼 .

**US and Canada only (at this time) and only for this who are not a coach or already working with a coach 😊) **
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes Fitness & Health Coaching on Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Celebrating my Independence Day 🇺🇸🎉 and kicking off our “leisurely 4th morning” by pumping this bump 😂🤰🏼 and sweating for two today. .

I find that ESPECIALLY on the days that are considered by most “holidays” I LOVE taking the time to do something good for me to set the tone for my day. .

This workout was less than 30 mins but the effects of it by way of my supercharged endorphins, energy, better food choices, and more cheerful outlook will be felt by me and those around me ALL DAY. .

Plus I’m forever motivated by the community of other mamas and women that I work with who share my commitment to living a more active and healthy life!! (SHOUT OR TO ALL MY ROCKIN YOUR BUMP MAMAS participating in this round of or Expectant mamas group!!) .

AND…. because of the holiday I’m extending the start date of Rockin Your Bump, so if you still want to join me and the other mamas and mamas to be in our group comment below OR use the link in the comments below to fill out your free health assessment!!! . **US and Canada Only (for workout streaming purposes), and only if you are NOT currently a coach or NOT working with a coach, PLEASE 😊**
Posted by Jaclyn Hughes Fitness & Health Coaching on Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Well, no one can say we don’t have fun 😂 #3generationsstrong 🙌🏼 . (Do yourself a favor and just watch Mac 😂)

Of all the things I hope to pass along and inspire as an area of importance for my girls is an investment in their own health and being active. .

When Mac can see her Nana and Mama at #35weekspregnant with baby sister still making healthy choices, working out, and preparing healthy meals, and she wants to take part, I feel like we’re on the right track! 😊💞 .

It’s never to late or too early to start to include them and set a healthy example!! 🙌🏼

Posted by Jaclyn Hughes Fitness & Health Coaching on Thursday, July 6, 2017


My mama is catching a red eye ✈️tonight to head back home😫, but YOU KNOW I wasn’t letting her go without one more workout before she hit the road!! 😂 .

I told her it would be “great low impact Barre Style” … I think she may have underestimated how brilliantly brutal a Barre workout can be. 😂 .

This one has been amongst one of my faves while preggars. I add in ankle weights for an extra burn 🔥🔥 .

Just one of the many workouts that are included as part of my virtual wellness studio, along with meal plan, recipes, my coaching, AND community. All online and one for both expectant mamas and one for those that are just trying to live a more active health life. .

Join Me!!! Drop an emoji below for details or shoot me a message!! 📧📩

Posted by Jaclyn Hughes Fitness & Health Coaching on Friday, July 7, 2017



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