Flower Crown Making 101

Yesterday was our Annual Family Pictures and guess who forgot to order Flower Crowns??? 🙂

But out of my procrastination came a fun creative project with my little one, that yielded a few beautiful creations.

It was actually really fun, and way easier than I expected… AND they were extra special because we made them together. 🙂

Wanna Try???

What you’ll need: (I found everything I needed at our local craft store, but Walmart may also carry it, or I’ve provided links to order supplies online)

Floral Shears
Floral Wire
Floral Cloth Wire
Floral Tape
Fresh Flowers (Your Choice, we didn’t get fancy. Just picked up a couple Hawaiian Orchid Leis to take apart and use for flowers & what was out in the yard, & at Safeway)
Fresh Greenery (From Safeway & our Front Yard 😉 )
Silk Flowers (Picked up some nice tropical ones at the Craft Store)

Mac loved the final result, especially since she got to pick it out her self 😉 and give it her personal touch.

I’d love to see your finished products if you try it out come share them here in the comments or over on my FB at www.facebook.com/CoachJaclynHughes



  1. August 25, 2017 / 1:34 pm

    nice post