Pleasure or Pain…. Which one Motivates You??

Are you motivated by pleasure or pain? After my a.m. flow the other day and at several points during this 3 week cleanse I’ve been on I have thought about his question.  I’ve been thinking about the 2 most motivating factors that create change in our lives. .

Pleasure and Pain. While most of us will actively seek ways to find pleasure in our lives (love, fun, food, sex, experiences), we are even more motivated to avoid pain. .

I find this interesting because exercise and eating right can be considered both depending on who you talk to and what their mindset is toward it. And I’ve definitely been BOTH!

Where I am now in my life I view working out & eating healthy as a source of pleasure, because I now know the feeling I get will lift me up & improve all areas of my life and ability to handle stress. .

Whereas others may view it as pain because their mindset is focused on what they are giving up or having to “endure” instead of what they are gaining.

I can relate because at one point this was me. I was focused on how uncomfortable it would be to learn to be more physically fit and make it a routine, and I clung to my unhealthy (Perceived pleasurable) attachment to food.

Even during this cleanse I had to remind myself WHY I was doing it, so I didn’t throw in the towel when it was inconvenient. And I had a BIG IMPORTANT WHY. 🙂

This only changed when I decided to be open to changing my mind about pleasure and pain, and create new associations for myself. I did it though finding how to make it fun, engaging in community, and investing in learning something new. .

By taking care of myself and my body now I avoid the pain of having no energy, no confidence, feeling self conscious, and unhealthy. And I gain pleasure from all the endorphins, strength, improved energy, sleep, and relationships I have gained. .

You have to start somewhere and in my experience mindset linked with ACTION is the best place.

Changing habits that don’t serve you is hard. Having no energy, and being unhealthy, out of shape, and living in self doubt is hard. CHOOSE YOUR HARD!! .

My next group will be kicking off soon!!  If you’re ready to take on changing what motivates you, message me here or click the link below to request more info..

