Heather + Warren & The Boys: Palo Corona Regional Park

I love being a photographer; having the opportunity to capture images of little ones and of families makes each session something I look forward to. When you factor in a family I adore, such as this one, it makes a session all the more special.
This beautiful family took part in a fun day as we ventured out to a new shoot location. Palo Corona Regional Park offers a beautiful, scenic, and rustic charm. I enjoyed the beautiful location and spending time with this amazing family, who I am honored to also call friends. I’ve had the great joy of watching thier baby Jasper grow since taking his newborn photos in July. Ridley was such a trooper and a stellar big brother throughout the whole shoot.


1 Comment

  1. December 16, 2012 / 4:46 pm

    LOVE these!!! So sorry we didn't get to use your talents while we were in CA, Jaclyn!! Looking good, Shermans! =)