My Sugar Bean is ONE!!

In the months leading up to today I would think of a far off distant day when my baby would be turning one. Well today was her First Birthday, it  has come and gone, and although her big birthday bash isn’t until this weekend I am already nostalgic about this past year.

Everyone tells you the first year goes by so fast, but you don’t realize just what that means until you’re living it.

The first 5 months are a blur as you adjust your whole life around feedings, sleep time (or the lack of), and the needs of the tiniest new member of the family. Around 6 months you develop a routine and they start getting more interactive (so much fun!), and from there time just seems to fly.

This year has taught me so much about myself and about life. I’ve always been an ambitious, career driven, goal oriented person. When we made the decision that I would be staying home with our girl, and not going back to work, I welcomed the opportunity, but had reservations that I would be able to keep myself occupied enough to not get antsy. HA!!! A year later I am now busier than ever and more fullfilled than I could have ever imagined. Having my daughter opened my eyes to a whole new side of life and of myself.

I have redefined my ideas about what “success” means to me. No longer is it a title, job, or accomplishments, but instead seeing how many times I can bring a smile to her face each day, or amuse her to the point of laughter. Teaching her something new and watching her put it to use and figure things out on her own is increadibly fulfilling. I cherish waking to her and my husband everyday and getting to snuggle in with them every night. Being a wife and a mother has been my life’s greatest blessing.

I know it’s the end of her first year, but in the grand scheme of things…this is only the beginning! 🙂
