Why I Choose SHAKE-O!!

Let me start by emphazising that I have never before endorsed a health supplement, and have become the ultimate skeptic when it comes to “gimicy” health claims for supplements. For the past 13 years I’ve tried nearly every nutritional supplement there is. I have always had the natural tendency to be curvier, and although I appreciate my curves, I always seemed to be on an endless quest to “tone up” and be more “healthy”

In what seems like another lifetime ago I competed in the Miss America System. I held 4 local titles in the Miss Arizona Organization, and in addition to having a community service platform, performing my talent (singing), and refining my interviewing skills, I had to compete in “life style and fitness” aka bathing suit competition.

I had personal trainers, did Atkins and Bodybuilding diets, body wraps, and tried numerous supplements and protein shakes. All in an effort to get the athletic physique I knew I had underneath my curves. I felt worn out and run down most of the time. Looking back, I can now see clearly how I was going about it all-wrong.

My turning point occurred when I was introduced to yoga. I started to more holistically approach my health and wellbeing, and by doing so my body naturally followed. However, I had new obstacles to overcome. I was starting my nursing career, and working nights in the Intensive Care Unit completely sent my circadian rhythm and body for a loop. I coped as best I could, but having an intolerance to caffeine made those 12 hour night shifts extra long! During this time I had heard about Shake-O, but after trying as many “health shakes” as I had, I was skeptical about all it’s claims.

I WISH I would have given Shakeology a chance THEN.

I continued to find more ways to “tune into” my body making more conscious food choices, finding workouts that worked for me, staying committed to practicing and teaching yoga, and educating myself about what I needed to do to feel healthy. I found that by doing the RIGHT things for my body I actually had to log LESS hours in the gym and eat MORE of the RIGHT kinds of food. But something was still lacking.

Becoming a mom definitely challenged my constitution in more ways than one. Those first few months I again WISH I would’ve given Shakeology a chance. I was exhausted and although I made efforts to continue eating well, I wasn’t doing as well as I could have, and I was soooooo TIRED.

My friend and now coach Meredith a fellow yoga instructor, and holistic health Goddess began posting on her amazing blog about a new superfood shake she was using that was giving her energy and helping her drop pounds and inches, as well as help balance her hormones. I figured if someone I trusted as much as her was endorsing Shake-O it was worth looking into.

I ordered my first Shake-O shipment and eagerly awaited it’s arrival. My husband and I started it together, and within the first 2 days I was already feeling a huge difference!

I was waking up without feeling groggy, I didn’t get an afternoon slump in energy, I was getting quality restful sleep, my sweet tooth cravings were WAY less, and I was becoming less “fluffy.” I could see more results from my workouts, I became less “moody,” and was feeling more balanced, healthier, lighter, and full of energy. My husband who has issues with traditional “protein shakes” was having no issues with Vegan Shake-O, and also reported increase energy, more restful sleep, and less cravings.

We now are on a twice-monthly auto shipment of Shake-O because we fly through just one bag. There are so many delicious recipes to try, and with a variety of flavors, you can have a different Shake-O everyday! I even got my super skeptical mom to replace her longtime use of Slimfast with Shake-O and only a week in, she was saying how much of a difference she feels.

I was intrigued to find out how Shakeology provides all these amazing benefits it does. I did my own research, and was amazed at the abundance of essential nutrients contained in just ONE shake!. Shake-O is packed with 70+ superfoods such as antioxidants, phytonutrients, prebiotics & probiotics, and adaptogens that work together to support the immune system and help fight aging. They have combined the most potent adaptogen herbs like maca and ashwagandha to naturally increase energy and aide in decreasing stress and promote calmness. You can learn more by visiting My Shakeology Site HERE.

With how much of an impact I have felt using Shake-O, I want to share my experience with anyone looking for a fast and easy way to start making more nutritionally conscious choices about the food they use to fuel their bodies. As I said before I WISH I would’ve given Shake-O a chance sooner.

If you have any questions or are interested in trying a 30 day supply of Shake-O with a money back guarantee AND FREE shipping, just follow the links on my site, or message me HERE.

Try Shake-O and experience first hand the difference I have!

CLICK HERE to Order & Follow These Steps:
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