Better Questions Lead to Better Answers

Most of us INCLUDING ME do NOT float effortlessly  through life on a cloud of rainbows 🌈and positivity, THIS “Life” 💩 TAKES WERK!!!

My journey to better overall health and wellness has been one of many ups and downs. Having struggled and overcome an eating disorder in my late teens early twenties I had to learn  the hard way that the answers I was looking for were NOT in  a short cut or “quick” fix. I needed transformation that began on the INSIDE with my mindset!

I’ve spent the past 14+ years LEARNING. I graduated nursing school, became a yoga instructor, studied Ayurveda (sister science of yoga and oldest form of medicine STILL practiced today), dove into LOTS of trial and error figuring out what worked for me, and have done LOADS of personal development around mindset.

I’m not someone who will EVER tell you it’s only about “thinking positive” or just pray and God will handle it all for you. I do believe in both, but believe that most people think this means they have no personal accountability in TAKING ACTION and actively seeking to change the “stinking thinking” that keeps them stuck.

So I am on a continual mission to acknowledge my own ways that this has hindered me in my life and as part of my ongoing health and wellness journey for mind, body, and soul, I continue to seek out ways for me to be better, and then help others do the same.

If you watch this video you’ll hear a few ways that I do this, that have helped me transform how I deal with what life throws at me.

I by NO MEANS  am perfect, but using these tools has helped me transform my mindset, health, relationships, and LIFE.

My hope is that what I share can help you get started too.

If you ever need support or feel you could benefit in partnership with a community of like minded individuals also working to improve their health and overall wellbeing to lead more active and fulfilling lives, LET’S CONNECT!!

I host an Online Wellness Community dedicated to doing just that, and I’d love to have you join us!!
::==> CLICK HERE <==:: to shoot me a message.
