How I Have Stayed Energetic & Healthy While Breast-Feeding

17 months! This squishy little love (pictured here) & I just crossed over into our 17th month of breast-feeding. YEAY!! I get asked all the time about how I maintain my milk supply, energy, immunity, and my sanity (although I question that last one myself sometimes, Ha!), while also running a business, chasing after our 7 year old & 17 month old, all while still breast-feeding. So, I figured it was time to come clean on all my “secrets” about how I naturally boost my energy and immunity daily!! 😉 And just so you know, I’VE EXPERIENCED THIS WHOLE “NURSING…

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Breastfeeding Survival Guide: What I Wish I Would Have Known

Breastfeeding is often an afterthought. For me, breastfeeding was something I just assumed would naturally take place once baby was here. YIKES, was I in for a rude awakening! 🙂 Through my exhausted new mom haze, I had to play catch up and become a full-time student of breastfeeding. Just a few lessons learned: How to maneuver the right position to get a good latch What to do for my cracked and bleeding nipples How to manage to manage the ravenous hunger you feel when breastfeeding (preggo cravings ain’t got nothing on breastfeeding cravings!) How to manage my hefty letdown, so I didn’t…

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The Pregnancy & Postpartum Body Image Battle and Overcoming Body Dysmorphia

As women, our bodies are capable of some SERIOUSLY superhuman stuff. During my pregnancy, I often thought “WOW… today I’m literally growing a little brain, little eyes, little hands, a LITTLE PERSON inside me!”    Now, I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a pretty badass superpower! But what about what has to happen to our bodies for this awesome superpower to occur? And what about after? I know for me, as empowering as pregnancy was, during my first pregnancy I got blindsided by some pretty negative self-talk.I had struggled in my late teens/early twenties with an eating…

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FIT New Mama Postpartum Must Haves

Now being six months postpartum/post-C-section myself, there are some definite must-haves that made all the difference on my road to recovery. A postpartum journey is such a whirlwind of high highs and low lows (thank you, hormones!). The list below along with my daily actions has helped me get back to feeling more like myself again. Any new mama can tell you that in those first few months as you’re adapting to your new role in life as a mom (or mom of one more), between the vast change in your body and hormones and the sleep deprivation, you feel…

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