Why I Choose SHAKE-O!!

Let me start by emphazising that I have never before endorsed a health supplement, and have become the ultimate skeptic when it comes to “gimicy” health claims for supplements. For the past 13 years I’ve tried nearly every nutritional supplement there is. I have always had the natural tendency to be curvier, and although I appreciate my curves, I always seemed to be on an endless quest to “tone up” and be more “healthy” In what seems like another lifetime ago I competed in the Miss America System. I held 4 local titles in the Miss Arizona Organization, and in…

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O-FISH-ally TWO: Goldfish Birthday Party

Part of the fun of being a parent is the opportunity to relive pieces of your childhood once more. Seeing the world through the eyes of a two year old, and being able to experience all its wonder and adventure. I gave Mac choices of some of her favorite things as birthday party themes and she was really excited about Goldfish, so Goldfish it was! We had fun putting the party together, she helped me make most of the decorations and she was excellent quality control when it came to trying out snacks and cupcakes 😉 We were so fortunate…

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O-FISH-ally TWO!!!

Our little love is O-FISH-ally Two!! We’ve postponed her birthday festivities until the weekend, but got some 2 year old portraits in under the wire. Mac LOVES Nemo, all animals from the sea, and goldfish crackers, so naturally Fish is this year’s birthday theme. Each day I discover another way becoming a mom has blessed my life. These past two years have been an amazing adventure filled with all the magic having a child brings to life. Mac has developed quite the personality, she is smart, funny, incredibly tenacious, and I love having front row seats to experience every day…

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Yoga Playtime + My Sugar Bean

Next to loving and being thankful for God, my family, and friends, I love yoga. My yoga practice brings me joy, inner peace, physical and mental awareness (& stability), and a greater appreciation for life, my mind, body, and spirit connection. I have been a practitioner of various forms of yoga since 2001. I’ve studied Bikram, Vinyasa, Hot Power Flow, and Ashtanga. I love each discipline for the way it challenges me to never stop growing and to continually find a new edge both mentally and physically. I also love it because it has taught me to quiet my mind…

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Sion + 1st B-Day Cake Smash

During our summer travels I was able to spend some quality time with my precious Godson Sion. We arrived in AZ just before his FIRST Birthday! So, of coarse this Aunta needed to get in some pics of Si getting into his first birthday cake. We set up an impromptu shoot with minimal props and equipment, but what else do you really need when you have an adorable baby and cake?? 🙂 I treasure the time I got to spend with Si, his big sister Jet, my beautiful bestie and her hubs. Enjoy some cake smash fun, we sure did!!

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