My Journey to Health

So I’ve decided it’s time to share my “WHY”. Why helping others get on track with their health and fitness is such a passion of mine. Years ago I struggled with an eating disorder, and even now, it is still very hard to admit. Fortunately, I’m at a place in my life where I am comfortable enough with myself to talk about it openly. For me this behavior was a result of my body image, control, and self-esteem issues. The only thing that helped me truly overcome my disorder was re-directing my energy towards healthy living. I learned how to…

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BUT…. (Insert excuse here):

At least once a week I get someone who says to me. “I’d love to drink Shakeology, BUT it is too expensive” or “I want to get in shape BUT I don’t have the time, money, energy, etc.” Excuses are like Butts… EVERYONE has got one. However, it’s the people who refuse to see their excuse as a limitation that MAKE the time, they MUSTER the energy, they FIND A WAY to incorporate it into the budget and life. Why?…Because they really WANT to change and invest in themselves and their health. When I first saw the price tag for…

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Are you considering becoming a Beachbody coach?  Here’s a list of my frequently asked questions to help you get started What Is Team Beachbody?? Team Beachbody is the distribution company of Beachbody and is behind the home fitness programs such as P90X, Insanity, Body Beast, Turbo Fire, ChaLEAN Extreme, P90X2 & 3, and T25.  Team Beachbody also distributes exercise equipment and nutritional supplements manufactured by Beachbody. WHY are you a coach? I have always possessed a passion for health and wellness which led me to a degree in nursing. As a nurse I cared for people everyday who were battling illnesses and DIS-EASE that could have been prevented by being…

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Your To Why List:

Grocery Shop  Make Almond Milk & Clean/Chop Veggies Workout Clean the House …ETC. These are the first few items on my To Do List. Most of us have a variation of our own that we keep stored in our heads, our phones, or posted around the house. But, how often do we blow off things on our To Do Lists, or not prioritze important To Dos? What if you attached a meaning to the things you need and want to do, to establish your why. Think about how much more impactful making a To Why list would be. It might…

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Healthy Mind…Healthy Body

Stress causes an increase production of cortisol which is our primary stress hormone. When produced in excess Cortisol has detrimental effects to your health and waist line. Stress also contributes greatly to Heart attacks, Strokes, High Blood Pressure and a myriad of other diseases. As a society we are “entrenched” in external and internal stressors, and despite our desire to decrease and/or erradicate it from our lives, we don’t thouroughly examine the cause of it. The following words were recently shared with me: “Once the mind is healed, the body will follow.” As I reflect on this phrase, I begin…

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