15 Festive Smoothie Recipes

I’m in Hawaii (so…. not exactly feeling “festive” around here) I’m not at all complaining, I LOVE being an island girl, but in an effort to insert some Holiday flair into my life, I’ve mixed some of my favorite festive flavors into my daily superfood smoothies to satiate my holiday appetitie.  It’s “that” time of year and all around it’s easy to find pumpkin spiced and peppermint EVERYTHING. And since I’m all about offering healthier options, I thought I’d offer up some festively flavored variations of my favorite Superfoods.  I used to be guilty of skipping the most important meal of the day, and then later grabbing whatever was convienent and usually…

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Top 5 Holiday Survival Tips

Who loves the holidays? This KID {raised hand} And after years of subscribing to “it’s the holidays… I’ll start back up in the New Year” mentality, I’ve found a better way!!! There is no need to wait until the end of the year to take charge of your health & fitness. In fact this is the best time to start. To lean into the change, and lean on others who are also committing to end the year healthier than you started. After all summer bodies are forged in the winter, and it’s my goal to help as many as possible get started…

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NO ONE Lives Exclusively in their Highlight Reel

{Real Talk} “Your life looks fun, I could never do what you do”  This is seriously something that I’ve been told A LOT lately, which has prompted me to give you a glimpse into a no BS look at my reality and say “Oh, but YOU can!!”  I’ll be the first to say that I am very grateful for the blessings I have in my life (family, home, nutritions food, etc), and agree my life IS fun… But, also want to point out that what we typically see on social media for display are people’s “highlight” reel. They mostly display the “best” parts of…

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My first 18 months as a coach

It recently hit me the other day…. I’m about to celebrate my 2-year coaching anniversary!!!! Taking a look back from where “I” started, and seeing how far “we” have come as a team, it’s been an incredible journey. A few highlights… • I have invested in and regained a sense of self and contribution, attained better health & more happiness than ever before. • I have assisted in paying off ALL our family debt including cars. • I can treat my hubby & family to vacations, and “extras” we wouldn’t have otherwise had. • I have been present for nearly EVERYDAY…

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I was a Health Care Statistic

I’ve been there. I worked three sometimes four 12 to 13 hour night shifts a week. While trying to maintain any semblance of life outside the hospital during regular “day light” hours. It can be REALLY tough to get yourself into a routine, where you feel like you are able to be healthy and have energy for anything else except getting up and going back into work. But you CAN do it!! I know because I did!

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