Meal Prep for Families: My Hacks & Weekly Prep Checklist

Most weekends I try to spend a few hours prepping for the week ahead. 
It’s something I’ve learned to look forward to. Especially since it takes so much pressure off the week ahead.  
I put on some music, invite Mac and Mike to join me in the kitchen, strap on Ky or put her in her bouncy seat, and WE GET IT DONE!
The purpose: NOT relying on convenience food -regardless of what happens during the busy week.
And it’s a process that I’ve adapted over time. So please don’t be overwhelmed if you’re just starting out or trying to get back on track!
First, here is my clean foods prep list:

This all works to make life easier. 
TIME-SAVING TIPS: If I’m short on time on my prep days, I buy a whole organic rotisserie chicken at Whole Foods for  $9.99 and just pull the chicken from it to use instead of cooking my own. 
I also recruit Mac to spray the Eat Cleaner on all the veggies and fruit, then wash and rinse for mama. She LOVES being my BIG helper, and this helps save mama TIME. ⏱
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1 Comment

  1. November 6, 2017 / 11:07 am

    Oh that's quite long list. I hope that you stay happy and healthy. Good luck for whatever you are looking for. Stay blessed. Great post.