After 9 months of pregnancy, getting sick in my final weeks of pregnancy, and THEN having a C-section, my body was in need of a serious reboot! So part of my postpartum plan to healthfully “bounce back ” was to do my favorite 21 day cleanse. I knew that to successfully complete it both postpartum and while breastfeeding, I would need to make some modifications. Below I share with you an overview of my postpartum cleanse experience & answers to some frequently asked questions.

I personally waited until I was 2 weeks post op to begin my cleanse. This was just a personal choice. Primarily, I wanted to wait until some of my initial post-op swelling went down, and I also wanted to be more mobile. There is food prep involved with this cleanse, so I wanted to be moving around better. Looking back now I’m glad I waited but had I had a vaginal birth I would have started in week one after delivering.  
I will say that I am so glad I did this cleanse and have given my body this opportunity to heal from the inside out. It’s been a positive, HEALTHY to kickstart my postpartum journey.


The Ultimate Reset is the all-natural alternative to harsh cleanses and starvation diets that helps return your body to optimal health naturally. It helps to restore your energy, support a healthy mood, & maximize your health with a combination of supplements and a set meal plan that incorporates the use of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods and superfoods. There are three phases, each phase slowly cuts out animal proteins, grains, and dairy to give your body the opportunity to heal and return to its peak state!

I have personally completed this cleanse four times over the past three years, and make non-negotiableiable to do it at least once per year because of all of the health benefits that come along with it! You can see my results from my reset that I did this same time last year to get my body ready for pregnancy after struggling to conceive for over a year.


Per recommendations made by the creator of the Reset, you should NOT do the Reset while pregnant. Your body is undergoing SO MANY changes already! It’s best to wait until after and practice clean whole foods nutrition during.


Any feedback I provide here is based off my PERSONAL experience & opinion. Just like in life and with our health in general, there is no one size fits all. I made the best choice for me and made important modifications that you need to consider/implement in order to make it safe for your little one AND keep your milk supply up in the process.
That being said, there was no impact to my milk supply. Well.. I take that back, it was plentiful. 😉 So I should say there was no negative impact to my milk supply. I was producing MORE than enough for my little one.

She was born at 5 pounds 3 ounces and by her 4-week check up she was 8 pounds 1 oz being exclusively breastfed. So my mama’s milk was doing it’s job. 🙂

Here are the considerations/modifications you need to keep in mind while on the Reset postpartum.

#1 – OMIT THE DETOX MIX: There are multiple all-natural supplements you take while doing the Ultimate Reset. I took all but ONE. I omitted the Detox tea you are supposed to take during week 2 in the Release phase. This was due to the higher fiber content which could have aggravated my babes tummy, plus by adding the detox supplement while nursing it could potentially cause those toxins to be released into your breast milk. So to err on the side of caution I chose not to use it.

#2 – EXTRA INTAKE The rule of thumb for breastfeeding is to allot yourself an additional 500 calories to your healthy/standard nutritional baseline. You need to add in extra calories to make up for breast feeding. I made the nutritional adjustments included below to ensure that I got the necessary calories I needed. I also work with those that I am guiding through this cleanse to help them determine what their base is and how to modify for them.


The Ultimate Reset comes with a complete meal plan and recipe guide. I also have put together an additional guide of recipes for myself and those doing the Reset with me. I personally omit soy and legumes, so my plan includes these modifications. To allot for the extra calories I needed while breastfeeding, I consumed larger portions than those recommended in the guide

I also continued drinking my superfood smoothie throughout the entire three weeks and “supercharged” it by blending in healthy fats like MCT oil and Udos 3.6.9. with DHA, or a scoop of all-natural, fresh-pressed peanut butter. You can read more about my supercharged superfood smoothies and how I attribute much of my pregnancy and postpartum success to my use of this supplement and get my exact supercharged smoothie recipe HERE ==> SHAKEOLOGY DURING PREGNANCY AND PP.

I also hydrated well! Part of this cleanse is drinking LOTS of distilled water like it’s your job! I made sure I was diligent about my water intake, and I know this helped immensely.

I also used Daily Sunshine, as a frozen pop or smoothie as my afternoon snack. This gave me an added boost on the days that I needed it. FIND THAT RECIPE HERE

At every step, I listened to my body! On the days I was more hungry, I ate. I added in additional snacks from the “approved foods list” in my guide, and adjusted my recipes so that I was satiated. As a result I was NEVER hungry. I would even argue that because I’m someone who typically skips meals, being on this cleanse kept me on track to consume more of the RIGHT foods than I would normally.


I’m a visual person and like to see what I’m getting myself into. So here’s a peek at a few of my favorite meals while on the Reset (many of which I have as part of my regular non-cleanse meal plan too, because they are THAT yummy).


I’m never going to sugar coat this part because I’m a firm believer that you need to know what you’re getting yourself into. That said, I am someone who eats an 80/20 clean whole foods diet in my day to day life, and yes, I still find this challenging.

Why? Well, for me it’s primarily because I do like fish and shrimp and having to go completely plant-based in weeks 2 and 3 took some will power. The other factor is that, as I mentioned before, I’m someone who tends to skip meals because I get busy and forget. This cleanse challenges me to prepare foods ahead of time, to never leave the house without my snacks, and to set timers for myself so I don’t skip supplements and meals. 

The other challenge for me was that you’re not supposed to work out while cleansing. This element presented less of a challenge this time, as I’m recovering from my C-section. So being able to focus so much on my nutrition, provided a much needed outlet for the fact that I wasn’t cleared for exercise yet.

This cleanse is a 3 week commitment, and you WILL have to take the time to meal prep and step outside of your comfort zone. You will have to be willing to say no to temptations along the way… and you will need to have the discipline to forego eating out, the willingness to try new things, and the focus to know WHY it will be worth it for you to stick it out!

BUT… the good news is IT’S ONLY 3 WEEKS! Temporary sacrifices need to be made, but THEY ARE WORTH IT!
My daughter is now 5 weeks old and I can honestly say I’ve healed faster, and feel energetic, balanced, on track with my recovery, and excited to resume exercise.


You can purchase the Ultimate Reset

If you want the support from me and access to my reset group along with my customized meal guide, and additional

soy-free recipe guide while going through your Ultimate Reset journey. Message me HERE.


1 Comment

  1. October 20, 2017 / 11:43 am

    Your progress is amazing. While everybody is tempted to bounce back as soon as they deliver the baby, I think it is important to be gentle to your body.