Clean 2-Ingredient Sweet Potato Pancakes | Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free

These incredibly yummy and easy-to-make sweet potato pancakes are gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, AND OH-SO-GOOOOOOD!

Sweet Potato Pancakes with CocoWhip 
I LOVE that they are not only a hit with the whole family, but also so easy to make. Plus, since there are only two whole foods ingredients, you KNOW it’s clean, which you know I’m a fan of! 😉
These are also a great base for a savory or sweet breakfast dish or dessert and have a light, fluffy, bread-like consistency when blended.
Mac, who is typically NOT a fan of sweet potatoes, loves these pancakes and as soon as my littlest love can have solids I’ll be letting her have them as well.
Here is what you need:
Sweet Potato Pancakes with CocoWhip
  • 1/2 cup mashed sweet potato -OR- 1/2 large STEAMED sweet potato WITH SKIN ON (leaving the skin on and mixed in the batter helps with the consistency)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp coconut oil or ghee (clarified butter) for cooking
  • **Optional Seasonings**
  • ¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Pumpkin Pie Spice (I prefer Flavor God Pumpkin Pie Spice)
  • Steam Sweet Potato
  • Place 1/2 Sweet Potato (with skin) & 2 eggs in Vitamix or high powered blender, add optional seasonings. Blend. {Blending  gives you the best batter, but if you don’t have a blender you can steam and mash your sweet potato by hand, but KEEP SKIN ON}, then add eggs and other ingredients
  • Heat oil or butter in a pan on MEDIUM heat
  • Drop sweet potato mixture by the TBSP and cook for 3-5 minutes
  • Cook cakes 3-5 minutes evenly on each side, until lightly golden  on the outside (see notes below)
  • Measure your sweet potato! You can double or triple the recipe, just ensure you keep the ratio 1:1
  • LOWER to medium heat works best, they easily burn on high heat
  • DON’T try to flip them before they are totally cooked on that side. If you try to flip them too early, they will likely fall about (3 mins aside is what I’ve found to work best)
  • Smaller pancakes flip easiest. I find 1 tbsp makes the best small pancakes. Larger ones work, but you must cook them on low heat for a few mins longer on each side.
  • You can mix the batter by hand, or use a blender. I find using my Vitamix makes a much smoother, fluffy batter.
  • They are wonderful by themselves or topped with Coco Whip, maple syrup, or your preferred nut butter.
Sweet Potato Pancakes with CocoWhip

1 Comment

  1. October 2, 2017 / 3:42 pm

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