Top 5 Holiday Survival Tips

Who loves the holidays? This KID {raised hand} And after years of subscribing to “it’s the holidays… I’ll start back up in the New Year” mentality, I’ve found a better way!!!

There is no need to wait until the end of the year to take charge of your health & fitness. In fact this is the best time to start. To lean into the change, and lean on others who are also committing to end the year healthier than you started.

After all summer bodies are forged in the winter, and it’s my goal to help as many as possible get started now.

Don’t get me wrong… I’ll still be enjoying ALL of my holiday favorites & “splurges”. Living healthy doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself.

I LOVE to cook, and I LOVE the holidays. So I’ll be making all my seasonal favorites, and sharing how I “HEALTH-ify” them in this group. 

Here are my Top 5 Tips For Staying Motivated & On Track
1) Buddy Up for the Holidays:
It’s been proven time and time again that if you tackle a goal with support of those closest to you, you are more likely to succeed and stick with it!. So grab a family member or friend who will be your holiday buddy, or join an accountability group. Set a goal to maintain, not gain during the holiday season by doing workouts together and being accountable to eachother or the community. 
2) Establish and KEEP a Routine
We all have parties, shopping, gatherings, and the list goes on. You have a long list of places to go, presents to buy, and people to see. Make sure your workouts don’t get bumped to the bottom of the list. Make workouts and meal prep a PRIORITY.  Schedule them like you would a “hot” date. 😉 
3) Step away from the TREATS
You don’t have to deny yourself holiday treats BUT instead choose to have a small portion. When at a holiday gathering select a small slice of your favorites… then step away from the desserts. If you’re being consistent with your workouts, having a sampling of all your holiday favoirtes throughout the month won’t completely derail you.  
4) Time & Effort: Make them both count
With so much happening during the holidays, it’s easy to commit to everything but your workout. One of the things I am always amazed by is how effective 30-minute workouts can be. I used to log HOURS in the gym and $100s on trainers, but have found that by doing home-based 30 min. interval workouts at home I’m in far better shape than I ever was before. So set aside the 30 mins and make that time a non-negotiable investment into yourself. 
5) Eat Before you Run
Whhhhaaaaat?!?! I mean metaphorically. Before you “Run” out the door to a holiday party or get together eat a well balanced meal, and drink a large glass of water. It’s the same idea behind why you should never grocery shop hungry. POOR CHOICES. So make it a habit to have something before you go that will fuel you. Then sample only a few holiday favorites at the gathering and keep your water glass full in between cocktails. 
The holidays should be about spending quality time with the ones you love and a sense of community. Enjoy the people, company, conversation, and connecting. 
If you’d like to partake and have the support of our Holiday Survival & Healthy Holiday Habits Group here are some details…. 

Included in this community….

• Your choice of a 3 day detox kit or option for 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge
• Daily 30 min Home-based workouts
• Holiday and Daily Meal Plans
• My Personalized Holiday Survival Guide
• Daily Motivation, inspiration, & support
• Myself & Viva Vida Coaches supporting you every step of the way

AND….We’ll be doing weekly participation giveaways all the way up to Christmas. (Programs, Superfoods, Cookbooks, and more)

We kick things off next week Nov. 30th. And THIS WEEK ONLY you can save $50 on your Complete Holiday Survival Pack, with a 30-day money back guarantee. If you choose this option message me as soon as you place your order, so I can get you started NOW. 

For other options of how to take part in a Viva Vida Wellness Community CLICK HERE