My Journey to Health

So I’ve decided it’s time to share my “WHY”. Why helping others get on track with their health and fitness is such a passion of mine.

Years ago I struggled with an eating disorder, and even now, it is still very hard to admit. Fortunately, I’m at a place in my life where I am comfortable enough with myself to talk about it openly. For me this behavior was a result of my body image, control, and self-esteem issues. The only thing that helped me truly overcome my disorder was re-directing my energy towards healthy living. I learned how to fuel my body with clean food, exercise, and my daily yoga practice. My commitment to that process allowed me to transform my body and my life.

I am sharing this now because I understand that many of you are where I started. I am vocal now about nutrition and fitness because I have worked my way out of those unhealthy behaviors of my past. I am passionate about wanting to help others change their relationship with their bodies and nutrition.

Until now you may have thought that I’ve always been a health nut and had things “figured out.” Well, although I would have to admit that I have spent the better part of my late teens and adult years preoccupied with getting fit, I didn’t used to go about it in a “healthy” way.

It’s important for me to share how I got to where I am now, and be honest about my journey so that it may inspire someone else to start his or hers. I want to pass on what I’ve learned and help inspire others to make healthy changes in their lives. I want to be a positive role model for my daughter, so that she doesn’t struggle the way I did. We each have our own personal battles, whether it’s binge eating, eating junk, not eating enough, or emotional eating. I want to inspire you to just take the first step and become proactive about changing your relationship with your health.
