Your To Why List:

  • Grocery Shop 
  • Make Almond Milk & Clean/Chop Veggies
  • Workout
  • Clean the House


These are the first few items on my To Do List. Most of us have a variation of our own that we keep stored in our heads, our phones, or posted around the house. But, how often do we blow off things on our To Do Lists, or not prioritze important To Dos?

What if you attached a meaning to the things you need and want to do, to establish your why. Think about how much more impactful making a To Why list would be.

It might look something like this…

  • Grocery Shop (the perimeter of the store)- buy and prepare wholesome healthy food (Veggies, Fruits, and Lean proteins) for our family and avoid eating out.
  • Make Almond Milk/ Clean & Chop Veggies- So I have healthy snacks to grab in a pinch, and help us avoid processed foods when snacking.
  • Workout- So I have more energy for my family, and myself, make healthier choices, feel better, and sleep better.
  • Clean the House- So I have piece of mind and feel relaxed once things are clean and put away.

By assigning a Why to our To Dos, we establish a priority and purpose for each item on our list, and are more likely to follow through.

Now YOU try it out! Write out a To Why list for this week and then set some long term To Whys as well. When you look at your list you’ll recall the importance behind priortizing your To Dos!! 🙂
