BUT…. (Insert excuse here):

At least once a week I get someone who says to me. “I’d love to drink Shakeology, BUT it is too expensive” or “I want to get in shape BUT I don’t have the time, money, energy, etc.” Excuses are like Butts… EVERYONE has got one. However, it’s the people who refuse to see their excuse as a limitation that MAKE the time, they MUSTER the energy, they FIND A WAY to incorporate it into the budget and life. Why?…Because they really WANT to change and invest in themselves and their health.

When I first saw the price tag for ShakeO, I won’t lie. I thought to myself “well for that, it better give me wings to make me fly like the Red Bull commercials AND give me a 6 pack!” But I kept an open mind and decided to try it. I can HONESTLY say that it was one of the best decisions I’ve made for Mike and I. I have tried more “health/meal replacement shakes” than I can remember and have NEVER had one keep me full, curb my cravings, give me energy, and bolster my immune system. Within our first month of ShakeO, I knew we would be drinking it for the rest of our lives. It is THAT good!

I was intrigued to find out what made it so special. So I checked out the INGREDIENTS list (see below). (Not the nutrition facts!) Don’t get me wrong; nutrition facts are important however “health food” marketers are on to us health conscious folks. They have found a way to stamp LOW FAT, LOW CARB, SUGAR FREE, on all kinds of garbage and label it as “Health Food”. They know we turn over the label and look at Fat, Carbs, Calories, and Sugar. When we SHOULD be checking out the INGREDIENTS and asking ourselves; Are there 6 syllable chemicals that you can’t pronounce or have any earthly idea what they are?Are they packed full of artificial ingredients, sweeteners, and preservatives? Is there ANY nutritional value to what you are about to put into your body, or will you just be consuming empty calories masked as “health food”.

I’m talking shakes, protein bars, healthy cookies (really?), frozen prepackaged meals. Don’t get me wrong, a steady diet of these things may in fact allow you to drop a few pounds, but are you healthier?? You need to redefine your definition of healthy by asking yourself.

  • Do you wake up feeling RESTED? 
  • Do you have SUSTAINED ENERGY throughout the day WITHOUT coffee or Red Bull? 
  • Do you have CLEAR FOCUS while at work? Are you constantly battling CRAVINGS? 
  • Do you tend to get sick often?Oh, and are you “REGULAR?” (You know what I mean!) 

A perfect example of this is my beautiful mother. She’s been a loyal Slim Fast drinker for years (Mainly for the convenience but also to help her keep her weight on track.) However, although she is “in shape” by society’s standards, she has high cholesterol and a laundry list of other aches and pains. In fact one of my major reasons for finding a truly healthy meal replacement shake was to get her off of that JUNK! Yes I said it JUNK. Have you ever looked at what is in Slim Fast?!?

Two weeks after my husband and I started drinking ShakeO I got my mom on it. She immediately started having more energy and WANTED to workout. My mom never WANTS to workout . It helped her with her sweet tooth, and kept her full even on the days she was working at the hospital and on her feet for hours at a time. We are waiting for her re-draw to test her cholesterol, but I KNOW it has come down. She despises Veggies and so for her getting her daily dose of dense nutrition in her one ShakeO a day is HUGE!!

Now, I am aware there are lower cost, lower cal, lower carb options out there! But when you KNOW BETTER… You DO BETTER!!! When you look at the nutrition facts you shouldn’t be comparing only what the carb vs protein and calorie ratio. You NEED to be looking at the ingredients. What is making up those carbs, calories, and protein? Are they chemical processed crap, or are they whole superfoods meant to restore and fuel your body? What is your shake doing for you? Yeah, you paid half of what I did, but did you get energy from it, feel satiated, and not crave junk for the rest of the day? Because I did!

All I am getting at is that our perception as a society of what constitutes “healthy” is so skewed. Just because the label says “Healthy” or “all natural” doesn’t mean that you are getting nutritional value from your food. Know what you are putting in your body!!!! And understand that how you fuel yourself is impacting your health today AND tomorrow. If your diet consists of Diet Coke, sugar free this, low carb that, and low fat the other thing you ARE NOT living a “healthy” life. Healthy food doesn’t require health claims on the package, because healthy food doesn’t come in packages!!!!

I’ll leave you with this… A cost comparison of Shakeology and a Fitness Program compared to “acceptable” everyday purchases that you may or may not be making, such as foods, drinks, and gym memberships/personal trainers. You tell me what the better long term investment in your health and pocket book would be? I know which one I choose. (see graphic at top for Shake-O comparision

What’s in Shakeology that makes it so different?!?? Glad you asked… Watch this video
